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NEWS                                    JUNE 14, 2021  ■  27
        you’re presented with various dis-                                  about the nominees’ backgrounds,
        crete claims one at a time and I                                    saying he thought it was appro-
        have, as I said, a lot of experience                                priate to ask about past writings
        learning new issues and figuring                                    and that those conversations were
        out  how  to  address  the  law  that   “Certainly I have, as I said,   “handled the right way.”
        applies to a particular case,” Lee    no specific experience in       “It should be viewed within the
        said.  “Certainly I  have,  as  I  said,   most of those topics that   totality of grace, of the under-
        no specific experience in most of     you raised. But I am very     standing of grace and that all of us
        those topics that you raised. But I    confident in my ability      evolve,” Booker added.
        am very confident in my ability to     to get up to speed and         The Senate Judiciary Commit-
        get up to speed and to handle the     to handle the cases that      tee on Wednesday also considered
        cases that come before me.”          come before me,” said one      three nominees for seats in the
          Two more Republican senators,                                     Western District of Washington:
        John Kennedy of Louisiana and        nominee in response to the     David Estudillo, Lauren King and
        Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee,         Republican questioning.      Tana Lin. Lin in particular faced
        also  pressed Lee  and  Rossman                                     questions from Republicans about
        about their judicial  philosophies.                                 her work with the ACLU of Wash-
        But when the nominees each said                                     ington state, as well as a letter she
        they did not have a specific phi-                                   signed critical of Trump’s attacks
        losophy, whether it be originalism, textualism or  on a federal judge who blocked a travel ban for those
        otherwise, the senators rejected those assertions.  from several predominantly Muslim countries.
          “I can’t vote for you if I don’t know how you’re    Grassley compared Trump’s slight toward that
        going to—what approach you’re going to use to in- judge to the recent backlash another federal judge
        terpret  the  United  States  Constitution,”  Kennedy  is facing for striking down California’s assault weap-
        said. “And  I don’t believe for  a second you both  ons ban. Lin said she signed the letter “because I
        haven’t thought about it.”                         think that the impartiality and independence of the
          Republicans had  also  raised  questions  about a  judiciary is a bedrock of our judicial system.”
        letter to the editor Lee had written for her college   All of those district court nominees would
        newspaper while she was a student at Ohio State  bring diversity to that court. Estudillo is Hispan-
        University, in which she criticized Justice Clarence  ic, Lin would be the first Asian American judge
        Thomas for describing his confirmation hearing as a  to sit on that bench, and King—who has worked
        “high-tech lynching” and suggested he didn’t believe  extensively  on Native American  and  tribal  is-
        racism was “much of an obstacle to black success.”  sues—would be the third currently sitting Native
        Under questioning from Sen. Mike Lee of Utah,  American federal judge.                              ■
        Lee—the nominee—said the letter “does not reflect
        the views that I have today.”                      Jacqueline Thomsen, based in Washington, is a re-
          Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey, later acknowl- porter covering D.C. federal courts and the legal
        edged  that  line  of questioning,  as  well  as other  side of politics. Contact her at [email protected]
        questions from Sen. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina,  and follow her on Twitter @jacq_thomsen.

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