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22  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                           NEWS

                          Senate Confirms Joe Biden’s

                                     First Federal Judge

                                                 By Charles Toutant

             he U.S. Senate has confirmed                                    Neals was picked as the first Biden
             Julien Neals to a judgeship                                   nominee to be confirmed, because
        Ton the U.S. District Court for                                    he was nominated once before and
        the District of New Jersey, provid-                                in recognition of the extreme judge
        ing sorely needed assistance to New                                shortage in New Jersey, said Carl
        Jersey’s short-handed federal bench.                               Tobias, a professor of law at the
          Neals, the Bergen County counsel                                 University of Richmond who stud-
        and a former chief judge of Newark’s                               ies the federal judiciary. The margin
        municipal court, was approved by a                                 of the confirmation vote was “pretty
        66-33 vote of the Senate on Tuesday                                strong,” given the makeup of the
        morning. He becomes the first judi-                                Senate, Tobias said.
        cial nominee of President Joe Biden                                  The confirmation vote came after
                                                Julien Neals, U.S. district
        to receive a confirmation vote.       judge for the District of New   a 66-28 vote of the Senate on Mon-
          Three    other   nominees     for   Jersey nominee for President   day to close the debate on Neals’
        judgeships in the District of New      Joe Biden, speaks during a   nomination.
        Jersey—Zahid Quraishi, Christine      Senate Judiciary Committee     At Monday’s hearing, Sen. Cory
                                                confirmation hearing in
        O’Hearn and Karen Williams—still     Washington, D.C., on April 28,   Booker called Neals “brilliant.”
        await confirmation hearings.         2021. Photo: Kevin Lamarque/    “He is thoughtful. He is deliber-
          ‘Judicial Emergency’                    Reuters/Bloomberg        ate in his decision-making. He has
          Neals’ confirmation brings relief                                all of the ideals that I think we want
        to a court with a heavy caseload and a long-running  in a federal judge,” Booker said. “I know him, I know
        shortage of judges.                                his parents, I know his family. I know his kids. He is
          But even with his confirmation, five out of the 17  one of those people that would make you proud. I
        seats on New Jersey’s district court remain vacant.  know he will make us proud in the way that he leads
        The U.S. Judicial Conference has declared New Jer- from the bench.”
        sey’s federal courts a “judicial emergency,” based on   Neals and Quraishi were advanced by the Senate
        the caseload per judge.                            Judiciary Committee on May 20, with some  Repub-
          During the presidential term of Donald Trump,  lican members of the committee putting up varying
        no judicial nominations were made for New Jersey,  levels of opposition to both nominees.
        and the last new judge to join the court was Brian    Neals grew up in Newark and East Orange. He
        Martinotti in July 2016.                           received his bachelor’s degree from Morehouse Col-
          For Neals, the confirmation vote is no doubt made  lege and attended law school at Emory University.
        especially satisfying thanks to his long path to a  Between his stints with Newark and Bergen County,
        judgeship. He was first nominated to the court by  Neals was a partner at what is now Chasan Lam-
        President Barack Obama in February 2015, and in  parello Mallon & Cappuzzo, where he also worked
        November of that year his name was reported out  from 1992 to 2006.                                 ■
        of the Senate Judiciary Committee. But Neals’ first
        nomination expired in January 2017 after no vote  Charles Toutant is a litigation writer for the New
        was called in the Senate.                          Jersey Law Journal.

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