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NEWS                                    JUNE 14, 2021  ■  21
          How did the two legal teams                                       port that came out last March. But
        divvy up the briefing?                                              given where the brief ultimately
          It was very much a collab-                                        landed, I wouldn’t say we were
        orative, almost unified briefing                                    stunned when it came out, given
        process. The four of us at Hogan                                    the questions that we had been
        Lovells worked with Ria, David,                                     asked.
        Galen  Sherwin  and  Louise Mel-                                      Why did you take some com-
        ling. We divided the responsibility                                 fort in the statement with the
        for drafting the brief from the very                                petition denial written by Justice
        beginning, contributing parts to it                                 Sotomayor and joined by Jus-
        and each editing the other’s writ-                                  tices Breyer and Kavanaugh, that
        ing to make sure that once it came                                  highlighted changes in the roles
        together, it came together in a full,                               of women in the military?
        consistent voice. We did that both                                    I  found the  statement respect-
        with the petition and the reply.                                    ing the denial fascinating because
                                             Cate Stetson of Hogan Lovells.
          The acting solicitor general op-  Credit: Diego M. Radzinschi / ALM  of who joined it and because it’s a
        posed review. Did you meet with                                     signal that I think was intended
        her office before she filed the government’s brief? to be sent. We knew that one of the government’s
          We had a conversation, as you often do in  arguments would be, “Let this percolate more with
        these cases, with the Solicitor General’s Office. I  Congress.” Our position, as you can tell from our re-
        reached out to [acting Solicitor General] Eliza- ply brief, is Congress has had many at-bats and it’s
        beth Prelogar, who’s actually a former colleague of  struck out every time.
        mine; she was an associate with us. And she and       So having a statement respecting a cert denial
        [assistant to the solicitor general] Morgan Ratner,  puts the legislature on notice that the court is watch-
        who’s also another former Hogan Lovells associ- ing. And the fact that you had justices coming from
        ate, got on the phone with the Hogan Lovells team  very different outlooks and different presidential ap-
        and the ACLU team. Ria took the lead for us in  pointments joining it, I think, is a signal that if the
        the discussion. As you’ve probably heard before,  next case comes up and Congress continues to sit
        that to me is almost like some of the most difficult  and do nothing, there may well be support across a
        oral arguments that you’ve ever had. It was like  broad swath of those justices for granting cert and
        four dimensional chess. You’ve got the Selective  for reversal.
        Service folks who were in the room asking ques-       Are Hogan lawyers back in their offices and are
        tions from their perspective. You have Morgan  you fully vaccinated?
        and Elizabeth who are two of the brightest intel-     Hogan at large is not back in its offices. I think that
        lects in the entire world asking questions, and Ria,  will happen over the next few weeks and certainly
        who did an astonishing, beautiful job talking with  by Labor Day is our goal. I am fully vaccinated and
        all of that.                                       back in the office most days just because I find it a
          Could you tell from that meeting what position  calmer and more centering place to work than what
        the government would take?                         I get out of my laundry room. I had a really sweet
          The government never, never, never shows its  standing desk set up on top of my washing machine
        cards before it files. So it’s a sort of one-way con- for multitasking. It’s so much better than a closet. I
        versation. They can ask you lots of questions but we  had some nice windows and a view.             ■
        don’t get to ask the questions. We had hoped that
        they might be supportive given the really seismic  Marcia Coyle, based in Washington, covers the U.S.
        changes that have occurred in the military, in the  Supreme Court. Contact her at [email protected].
        DOD, the support in the national commission re- On Twitter: @MarciaCoyle
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