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20  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                           NEWS

        ■ From ROBERT on PAGE 19                           commended Katzmann’s efforts and extolled the
        nity initiative, which aimed to increase public  role  of  federal  courts  in  restoring  civic  education
        understanding of the role and operations of the  and a sense of civility in American life.
        courts.                                               “What we hope to do is to create a mechanism
          The project allows students and their teachers  for ongoing discussion and activity,” he told partici-
        to access courtrooms all across the circuit, where  pants. “We think of today as just the beginning. We
        they participate in moot court reenactments of im- will all learn from one another and take back ideas
        portant court cases, do legal research and interact  we can put into effect at our courthouses.”
        with the court’s learning center, which Katzmann      Katzmann took senior status in January, entering
        inaugurated on the fifth-floor Thurgood Marshall  a form of semiretirement and creating a vacancy on
        Courthouse.                                        the Second Circuit. President Joe Biden last month
          In 2019, Katzmann brought together teachers,  nominated Eunice C. Lee, a federal defender, to suc-
        bar leaders and representatives from circuit courts  ceed Katzmann on the federal bench.            ■
        across the country in the first-of-its-kind National
        Conference  on  Civics  Education.  The  event  fea- Tom McParland of New York Law Journal can be
        tured recorded comments from U.S. Supreme Court  contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on
        Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Neil Gorsuch, who  Twitter @TMcParlandALM.

             How Hogan Lovells Paired With ACLU in

               Challenge to Male-Only Military Draft

                                                  By Marcia Coyle

               lthough the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday       My friend David Cole [ACLU national legal di-
               denied review in a challenge to the male-on- rector] reached out to me in September of last year
        Aly draft  registration, Hogan Lovells partner  about the Fifth Circuit decision and asked whether
        Cate Stetson said “three bedfellows”—Justices Sonia  I and Hogan Lovells would want to co-counsel with
        Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer and Brett Kavanaugh— the ACLU in filing a cert petition. I reached out to
        sent a message to Congress: The court is watching  three of my colleagues and I got immediate, positive
        for action.                                        responses back.
          Stetson, along with senior associate Katherine      I think the “why” is this is really a striking,
        Wellington  and  associates  Danielle  Stempel  and  remaining example, hiding in plain sight, of a dis-
        Erin Chapman, were pro bono co-counsel with an  criminatory statute. It struck us as a case very much
        ACLU team led by Ria Tabacco Mar in the closely  in the [Justice Ruth Bader] Ginsburg mold. The
        watched case National Coalition for Men v. Selective  statute and the legislative history are replete with
        Service System.                                    references to the fact that women belong at home.
          Stetson,  a  veteran  appellate advocate and  the  With the military having recognized over the last
        mother of daughters who are 20 and 17 years old,  few years and the last couple of decades the com-
        shared her experience with the case with The Na- petency and capability of women in the military,
        tional  Law  Journal.  The conversation  below  was  including in combat, that outdated view should be
        edited lightly for length and clarity.             updated. Congress of course has been presented
          How and why did you and Hogan become in- with that issue many, many times and hasn’t yet
        volved?                                            done anything.

           Law Tribune
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