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50  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                    CLOSING ARGUMENT

                                                 EDITORIAL BOARD

                            Connecticut Chips Away at

                                      Structural Racism

            n its final weeks, we commend the General         Under Senate Bill 753, the census data used
            Assembly for enacting meaningful responses  to draw legislative districts would be adjusted to
         Ito the existence of “structural racism” in Con- count inmates  as residents  of their last  address
          necticut’s laws, regulations and public practices by  prior to incarceration. The inclusion of an amend-
          approving two prominent measures.                ment to allow the counting of inmates serving
            The term “structural racism” in the pending leg- life sentences without the possibility of parole as
          islation means a system that structures opportunity  residents of the prison address—affecting perhaps
          and assigns value in a way that disproportionately  only 4 percent of the inmate population—helped
          and negatively impacts people of color.          ensure a nearly-unanimous state Senate approval
            The first bill would  legislate  an end to  by a vote of 35-1. The House subsequently passed
          “prison gerrymandering” in Connecticut’s decen- the amended bill and Gov. Ned Lamont signed it
          nial apportionment of legislative                                 into law.
          districts. Under prison ger-                                        In a December 2019 edito-
          rymandering, inmates in state                                     rial, we urged ending prison
          correctional facilities are count-                                gerrymandering prior to the
          ed as residents of the town in                                    completion of the census but are
          which their prison is located           Racism should be          gratified it may now be changed
          rather than in the municipality      recognized as a public       prior to redistricting.
          of their pre-prison residence.                                      A second important measure,
            Why is this a “structurally rac-  health crisis in Connecticut,   SB1, states “that racism con-
          ist” practice? The racial makeup     as it has in other states    stitutes a public health crisis in
          of the state’s prison population is   and local communities.      this state” and establishes a new
          44 percent black and 28 percent                                   Commission on Racial Equity in
          Hispanic. Following the cen-                                      Public Health to both investigate
          sus in 2010, it was determined                                    and make recommendations to
          that more than half of the state’s                                decrease the effect of racism on
          prison population had resided                                     public health. Held shortly be-
          before incarceration in New                                       fore the George Floyd murder
          Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury and New Britain.  trial, the bill’s public hearing provided numer-
          But since most state correctional facilities are in  ous testimonies of unacceptable racial disparities,
          more rural and less racially diverse towns, such  ranging from students of color with asthma, po-
          as Somers and Enfield, the governance impact of  lice profiling, shorter adult life expectancy, higher
          the prison gerrymander is to disproportionately  child  mortality, segregated  housing, insufficient
          reduce the voting power of minority-dominated  healthy food, lead poisoning, school detentions,
          urban districts while unfairly increasing the vot- incarcerations, employment and access to health
          ing power of the rural towns hosting state prisons. insurance, among others.
            Prison gerrymandering thus “disproportionally     The commission is assigned the tasks of in-
          and negatively impacts people of color.”         vestigating the impact racism has on vulnerable

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