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48  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                           OPINION

          ■ From MEDIATION on PAGE 47                         •  Creative solutions will be explored that
          the parties control over the outcome of their dis-     could pave the way for a later settlement.
          putes through negotiated settlements involving
          compromises by all parties. Such give-and-take      Takeaways
          settlements enable the parties to maintain an       Early, and perhaps multiple, mediations
          ongoing, perhaps even enhanced, business rela- should be conducted prior to and throughout the
          tionship or to terminate a relationship on a more  life of a litigation. While a complete resolution
          amicable basis.                                  of the differences between the parties is the goal
            Significantly, the terms of a mediated settle- of mediation, partial settlements, the refinement
          ment and the negotiations related thereto are  of disputed issues and the insights and informa-
          confidential, and where there is media coverage  tion  gathered during  a  mediation  far outweigh
          of the matter, the parties may agree, as part of  the minimal costs of participating in a media-
          their negotiated settlement, to the content and  tion. The two critical elements to a successful
          terms of a press release that does not reflect nega- mediation are a skilled mediator and reasonable
          tively on any party.                             participants who understand and want to man-
            In  instances where  a  complete settlement of  age the risks and uncertainties of litigation.
          disputed issues is not achievable, a settlement     The parties do not give up anything by par-
          of some issues or a narrowing of the issues to  ticipating in mediation. If mediation does not
          be  litigated  may be reached,  following  which,  result in settlement, litigation (or arbitration, if
          the parties generally are free to engage in litiga- selected by the parties) will proceed. The work
          tion, including full-blown discovery and appeals.  the parties will do to prepare for mediation will
          Even where neither a partial nor a full settlement  be required to proceed with litigation. Thus, the
          is reached, the benefits of engaging in mediation  mediator’s  fee,  which  frequently  is  shared  by
          generally are numerous and include:              the parties, is the principal cost of mediation.
            •  Each party will be forced to critically evalu- A completely successful pre-litigation media-
                ate and refine the strengths and weaknesses  tion will avoid significant litigation costs and
                of its own positions and arguments, as well  risks and will allow the parties to fashion a con-
                as those of its adversaries;               fidential business-minded resolution of their
            •  Each party will gain insight into and clarity  differences. Any settlement prior to a trial ver-
                regarding its adversaries’ arguments and  dict will achieve these goals, with the financial
                positions;                                 savings diminishing as the trial nears.        ■
            •  Each party will have the opportunity to
                evaluate the performance of its adversaries’  Deborah  A.  Reperowitz  is  counsel  at  Stradley
                counsel, and perhaps its adversaries’ wit- Ronon Stevens & Young and co-chair of the
                nesses;                                    firm’s bankruptcy, workouts and creditors’ rights
            •  Common positions and goals will be iden- group. She is a mediator and bankruptcy and
                tified, which should streamline subsequent  commercial litigation attorney. She can be reached
                litigation; and                            at [email protected].

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