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                                       Regional Editor-in-Chief Hank Grezlak
                                                Bureau Chief Michael Marciano
                                               Staff Reporter Robert Storace
                                  Contributing Editors & Writers  Zack Needles, David Gialanella, Susan DeSantis,
                                                           Lizzy McLellan, Max Mitchell, Charles Toutant,
                                                           Michelle Cruz, Mark Dubois, Amy Goodusky,
                                                           Dan Krisch, Harry Mazadoorian, Norm Pattis
                                               Case Digester Michael Hochberger
                                     Contributing Photographer Gary Lewis
                                         Classified Advertising Mitch Cohn
                         Law Firm Advertising/Display Advertising Shota Adamia
                 Global Director of ALM Event Sales & Sponsorships  Donald Chalphin

                                                    Editorial Board
                                                    Chair  Joette Katz
                                                Vice Chair  Robert Mitchell

           Berger, Bethany      Riccio, Eugene    Madjeric, Alexandria  Querijero, Michelle   Wagner, Natalie
             Proloy, Das         Farr, Robert       Mitchell, Robert     Storace, Robert       Horton, Wes
           DeMeola, Karen        Galvin, Mary       Marciano, Mike       Soboslai, Mark       Whitney, Diane
            Duffy, Felice        Hayre, Sheila       Munro, Lynda        Sullivan, James      Wizner, Steve
          Merriam, Dwight        Katz, Joette       Murphy, Dennis        Scheffey, Tom
          Emanuel, Richard       Knopp, Alex           Pepe, Lou          Thomas, Cecil

                                              150 East 42 Street, Mezzanine Level
                                                   New York, NY 10017

                                                  Bill Carter  CEO
                                           Jon DiGiambattista  President, Information Services
                                                 Mark Fried  President, Events and CFO
                                             Matthew Weiner  President, Marketing Services
                                                Erin Dzieken  Sr. VP, Human Resources
                                                     Jimi Li  Chief Technology Officer
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                                                Allan Milloy  Chief Sales Officer, Paid Content
                                              Richard Caruso  VP and GM, Legal Media
                                              Keith Edwards  VP, Legal Media Sales
                                                Patrick Fuller  VP, ALM Legal Intelligence

                                             How to Reach Connecticut Law Tribune
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