Page 47 - CLT060721
P. 47

OPINION                                   JUNE 7, 2021  ■  47

          their agreements in mediation are more likely          between the parties and/or their counsel
          to perform their obligations than those whose          and the mediator.
          resolution has been imposed by a third-party
          decisionmaker. Indeed, parties tend to be more      Agreements To Mediate
          satisfied with solutions that they have created,    Agreements to mediate may be very detailed
          as compared to solutions that are imposed by a  and  specific  or  more  general,  and they  may  be
          third-party decisionmaker.                       entered into before or after a dispute arises. It is
                                                           recommended that such agreements be negoti-
            The Mediation Process                          ated, entered into and memorialized in writing
            The mediation process is informal, flexible,  before a disagreement arises when the parties
          and tailored to each individual case. If litigation  presumably are calm and reasonable. At a mini-
          is commenced prior to mediation, the litigation  mum, mediation agreements generally contain
          generally is stayed or paused while mediation  provisions regarding when in the dispute process
          proceeds. A downside to mediation is that a  mediation will occur (e.g., pre-litigation, after the
          party usually can withdraw from the mediation  filing of an answer to a complaint, upon the entry
          at any time, but reasonable,                                      of an order denying a summa-
          willing   participants   rarely                                   ry judgment motion, upon the
          withdraw. The mediation pro-                                      completion of discovery), how
          cess often involves:                This article takes look at    the mediator will be selected
            •  A preliminary conference        the mediation process,       (including criteria the media-
                to establish procedur-          including agreements        tor should possess), and any
                al ground rules for the        to mediate, the benefits     special rules the parties wish to
                mediation, which is at-         of mediation and key        govern the mediation (such as
                tended by the mediator               takeaways.             who will attend, how long the
                and counsel to all parties;                                 mediation will continue, the
            •  The submission to the                                        location of the mediation, and
                mediator by each par-                                       who will pay the mediator).
                ty of a written position
                statement and supporting documenta-           Benefits of Mediation
                tion, which may be confidential or may be     The ultimate goal of mediation is for the par-
                shared with other parties;                 ties to reach an agreement resolving all disputes
            •  Separate pre-mediation conversations be- between them, thus saving costs (in terms of
                tween the mediator and each party and/ time, money and manpower) and avoiding dam-
                or its counsel, during which the mediator  age to brand, reputation and employee morale. A
                attempts to gain further insight into the  mediated settlement allows the parties to move
                party, its goals and its positions;        forward with their lives and business, and also
            •  A mediation attended by the mediator and  prevents the diversion of key executive time, the
                a representative of each party (with settle- incurrence of lost opportunity costs and dam-
                ment authority) and its counsel, which  aged relationships that could extend beyond the
                could last hours, days, weeks or months;  parties to the dispute.
                and,                                          Moreover, mediated settlements eliminate the
            •  If the parties’ disputes have not been ful- litigation risk of “win/lose” decisions, affording
                ly resolved, follow-up communications                                   ■ Continued on PAGE 48

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