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30 ¦ APRIL 12, 2021               CONNECTICUT OPINIONS

SUPREME COURT                                       the court was whether the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                    was a “serious disaster” as required by law, and
                                                    whether that relevant statute allows the gov-
                                                    ernor to issue the challenged executive orders.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW                                  The court held that the pandemic certainly qual-

Governor Lamont Did Not Exceed                      ifies as a catastrophe. Plaintiffs argued that the
                                                    statutory examples of catastrophe did not list
His Statutory Authority in Issuing                  “the contagion of disease.” The court denied
Executive Orders Related to the                     that argument, stating that the list is preceded
Pandemic                                            by the phrase, “including but not limited to.”
                                                    The court then determined that defendant was
CASE: Casey v. Lamont                               statutorily authorized to issue the challenged
COURT: Connecticut Supreme Court                    orders. Therefore, the court affirmed the lower
DOC. NO.: SC 20494                                  court’s decision.

COURT OPINION BY: McDonald                          APPELLATE COURT
DATE: March 29, 2021 • PAGES: 30
On March 10, 2020, defendant, Governor
Lamont, declared a public health emergency and
civil preparedness emergency. He then released
a series of executive orders in attempts to miti-   EVIDENCE • PERSONAL INJURY

gate the spread of COVID-19. Some of these          Court Held That Late Delivery
executive orders related to the sale of alcohol
and dining. In compliance with these executive of Plaintiff’s Exhibits to the Jury
orders, plaintiffs closed their business, Casey’s   Deliberation Room Did Not Require a
Irish Pub, in March 2020. They sued defendant       New Trial
in June 2020, requesting the court declare that
defendant acted beyond his statutory and consti-
tutional authority when he issued the executive     CASE: Brown v. Cartwright
orders. The trial court denied plaintiffs’ request  COURT: Connecticut Appellate Court
for injunctive and declaratory relief and found     DOC. NO.: AC 43415
                                                    COURT OPINION BY: Lavine
for defendant. Plaintiffs appealed and the court DATE: March 30, 2021 • PAGES: 17
affirmed. Plaintiffs did not argue that the restric- Plaintiff sued defendants for damages after he
tions imposed on their business were unreason- sustained injuries in a single car accident. The
able or not related to the public health, safety, jury returned a verdict for defendants. Plaintiff
and welfare of the state’s citizens. Instead, they filed a motion for a new trial and to set aside the
claimed that defendant exceeded his statutory verdict. He claimed that after the jury had gone
authority by issuing the orders. The issue before to the deliberation room, defendants’ exhibits

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