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VERDICTS & SETTLEMENTS                          APRIL 12, 2021 ¦ 29

Motroni also had physical                                                                      The ruling could be appealed to
therapy, saw a pain manage-                                                                    the Connecticut Appellate Court.
ment specialist and sought out                                                                 It’s not clear if the defense will take
an orthopedic doctor.                                                                          that route.
In addition, Swanson said, even                                                                Representing defendant driver
though her client had a long his-                               “One of the big issues         John Wetzel is Erik Roberts of Mee-
tory of minor chronic neck pain,                                                               han Roberts Turret & Rosenbaum in
Follweiler, who was Motroni’s                                   were the medical bills,        Wallingford. Roberts didn’t respond
doctor for 20 years, testified that                                                            to a request for comment Tuesday.
“she never sought treatment for                                    which ended up being
that pain. But after the accident                                   more than $50,000,”          In court pleadings, the defense
she sought a lot of treatment for                               plaintiff’s counsel Elisabeth  denied negligence or carelessness.

                                                                        Swanson said.            Motroni suffered the neck pain

her neck pain.”                                                                                and pain to her lower back after the
Follweiler, Swanson said, “went                                                                car she was driving in was rear-ended
through his paper chart during                                                                 on Interstate 91 in Hartford in 2017.
direct examination. His testimony                                                              Wetzel received an infraction
did it. It was extremely helpful                                                               for following too closely, accord-
and persuasive. He did not seem like one of those ing to the March 2019 lawsuit filed in Hartford
hired-gun doctors. He came across to the judge as Superior Court.
genuine.”                                                       Swanson said the neck pain for her client “will be
In his two-and-a-half-page March 19 rul- lifelong.”
ing, Superior Court Judge Cesar Noble                                                                                            ¦

found Motroni was entitled to $56,223 in Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
economic damages and $70,000 in noneconomic analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
damages, including pain and suffering, for a total of him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
$126,223.                                                       203-437-5950.


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