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28 ¦ APRIL 12, 2021                  VERDICTS & SETTLEMENTS

Too Much Spent on Alternative Medicine?
    Case Questions Plaintiff’s Spending

                                                        By Robert Storace

C Hartford Superior Court. Photo: Google.
       redible testimony on the part of a car ac- “One of the big issues were the medical bills,
       cident victim’s longtime treating physician which ended up being more than $50,000,” Swan-
       helped clinch the deal for $126,223 in a son said Tuesday. “Dr. Follweiler testified as to the
virtual bench trial.                        need for all of the medical treatment my client un-
While the defense argued during the two- derwent. My client is a holistic person and sought
day trial that Pennsylvania resident Alexsandra out treatment from people like chiropractors and
Motroni had neck pain before her April 2017 acupuncturists. The defense said she overdid it
Connecticut car accident and that she spent too with the treatment, but the doctor said it was all
much on medical treatments, her physician, Dr. needed. The doctor was credible and his testimony
Barry Follweiler, made a compelling witness, ac- clinched it for us.”
cording to plaintiff ’s counsel Elisabeth Swanson Swanson said Follweiler noted that, in ad-
of Goff Law Group in West Hartford.         dition to a chiropractor and acupuncturist,

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