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NEWS                              APRIL 12, 2021 ¦ 25

same owners then tried to get that money back entitled to the money they were allegedly coerced
from their workers and retaliated against them. to pay back.
The Labor Department alleges the owners Representing defendant Christopher Delmo-
threatened one employee with blacklisting; fired nico, owner of the former Chubby’s, and Niall
another and disparaged him to future employ- O’Neill, owner of the Old Dog Tavern, are attor-
ers; and drove two workers to a bank to cash their neys Christopher Hodgson and Richard Buturia,
checks for back wages and demanded payment in both with Berchem Moses in Milford. Neither
the parking lot.                                 attorney responded to a request for comment
In addition, the Labor Department says some Thursday.
reducing any employee’s hours of work, for pur-
pose of inhibiting any employee’s rights under the Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
Fair Labor Standards Act.”                       analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow

Fisher noted that the litigation is in its ear- him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
ly stages and said the workers in question are 203-437-5950.

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