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NEWS                                           DECEMBER 21, 2020 ¦ 9

his life. Schmidt, a Democrat, also enjoyed politics, assistant state’s attorney for juvenile matters in
having worked as an assistant to the mayor of Nor- Bridgeport Superior Court.
walk from 2001-2005.
                                                        Ralph Winter
Schmidt also authored a history book on the Former U.S, Court of Appeals for the Second Cir-
Noroton section of Darien and was, at one time, cuit Judge Ralph Winter died Dec. 8 following a long
president of the Darien Historical Society.             illness. He was 85.
                                                        Winter, who spent decades on the Second Circuit,
Peter Tsimbidaros
Bridgeport criminal defense attorney Peter Tsim- was also a respected Yale Law School professor.
bidaros died Jan. 2 from injuries sustained in a New Those who knew him said Winter had a deep
Year’s Day car crash. He was 50.                        knowledge of securities regulations, as well as ex-
Tsimbidaros, who primarily represented juve- pertise in constitutional law, antitrust law, labor law
niles, was known as a strong advocate for those and evidence.
clients.                                                                                          ¦

“He was a vigorous advocate for his clients, most Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
of whom were delinquent kids with criminal charg- analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
es. He had a good rapport with those kids and really him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
cared about them,” said John Capozzi, supervisory 203-437-5950.

Equitable Nonforfeiture Defense Wins Case
  for Restaurant in Landlord-Tenant Spat

                                              By Robert Storace

In what attorneys said was the first case of its
   kind in Connecticut, a Superior Court judge has
   ruled in favor of a restaurant using an equitable-
nonforfeiture defense in a dispute over lack of rent
The equitable-nonforfeiture defense is available to
tenants to restore their leases, even when their land-
lords have technically terminated the lease.
While traditional financial hardships have usually
not constituted grounds to support an equitable-
nonforfeiture defense, attorney Aaron Romney, who
represents Southport restaurant Wafu Asian Bistro
said Wednesday this case was different because of
the current coronavirus pandemic.
“The court looked at the extraordinary circum-
stances created by COVID-19, and found that
government restrictions (on when and how restau-
rants could open) prevented the timely payment of
rent,” Romney said.
Under the rules of equitable nonforfeiture in           Aaron Romney of Zeisler & Zeisler P.C. in Bridgeport.

                                                                             Courtesy photo

Connecticut, in order to make such a defense, a                                ¦ Continued on PAGE 10

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