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4 ¦ DECEMBER 21, 2020                                                      NEWS

¦ From CONNECTICUT’S BAR EXAM on PAGE 1                                    Said Nelson: “It was tremendously stressful.
The University of Connecticut School of Law saw 84 The postponements and uncertainty about the
of 102 students taking the test pass (82%). That’s up exam and its format intensified the universal
from 76% the year before.                                                  challenges of the pandemic. Some graduates have
And Quinnipiac University School of Law saw 79 lost family members in the pandemic or have
of 114 students taking the test pass (69%). That’s up fallen ill themselves. Their distress has been heart-
from 62% in 2019.                                                          breaking, and their courage and success has been
Yale Law students continued their perfect streak inspiring.”
for the third year in a row. All 15 of its candidates Anne Dranginis, Connecticut Bar Examining
passed, just as eight did in July                                                         Committee chairwoman and a
2019 and the five who sat for the                                                         member at Pullman & Comley,
exam in July 2018.                                                                        said Friday she’s proud this year’s
  Of the state’s three law schools,                                                       virtual exam had a higher pass rate
University of Connecticut School     The Connecticut bar results                          than the ones in both 2018 and
of Law, Quinnipiac Universi-         for the October 2020 exam                            2019.
ty School of Law and Yale Law         were released December
School, administrators at Quin-       11. It showed that 67.5%                              “This was a successful admin-
nipiac Law and the UConn Law                                                              istration of the exam,” Dranginis
                                       of those taking the test                           said. “It is certainly consistent

prepared statements at press time. passed; up from 60% the and, a little better, than what
In a statement, Jennifer Gerarda         year before.                                     we’ve been seeing. There were so

Brown, dean of the Quinnipiac                                                             many variables with this test as it
Law, said, “I am incredibly proud                                                         was half the duration of the usual
of our students who passed the                                                            test; it was in the environment of
bar exam given the health, financial, technological, COVID; and it was stressful for all involved.”
and family challenges many of them were managing Dranginis continued: “I am thrilled with those
while they were studying for the most important test that passed and that they will be sworn in and
of their careers.”                                                         members of the bar. I hope they take an active role
Brown continued: “I am also mindful of the in advancing the law and helping people in their
extraordinary circumstances under which our grad- communities, and upholding the protection of the
uates sat for this exam and I deeply admire their rule of law.”
courage and determination, whether they passed                                                       ¦

this time or not.”                                                         Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
Also in a statement, UConn Law dean and pro- analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
fessor Eboni Nelson said the test was hard on the him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
graduates taking it.                                                       203-437-5950.

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