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6 ¦ DECEMBER 21, 2020                    NEWS

¦ From THESE STUDENTS on PAGE 5                                        tence and, if that’s true, which I
I was advocating for diploma                                           believe it is, then this was an emp-
privileges,” Jani said. “And that is                                   ty charade to make the public feel
this is an exam for the privileged. Two hundred and seventy like lawyers are more competent
Whether it’s resources or time or of 400 test takers passed then they are, in which case it’s a
money or a job or housing, people                                      waste of time for us to have gone
of privilege do not have to worry         the October Connecticut      through this.”
about those things. Although I           bar exam, which was held
did not have to worry about a lack        virtually in early October.    Holmes will start in early 2021
of resources, my emotional and           We speak to three of those    as a lawyer in the U.S. Air Force.
physical health were deteriorating
                                            who passed the exam.         Twenty-five year-old Univer-
                                                                       sity of Connecticut School of Law
during the time I was studying.”                                       graduate Wyatt Bosworth said the
Diploma privilege allows law                                           past six months “were the most
school graduates to become li-                                         stressful of my life.”
censed attorneys without having to take the bar Bosworth, who also passed the exam, said, “I’m
examination. It was a hot-button issue across the going to spend the next few days reaching out to
country in 2020 due to the coronavirus and tests be- countless family members, friends, mentors and co-
ing given virtually.                     workers who pushed me to get to this point in my
While Jani got engaged in 2020, her fellow Univer- life.”
sity of Connecticut School of Law graduate Glenn Bosworth is assistant counsel at the Connecti-
Holmes, 26, did one better: He not only got engaged cut Business & Industry Association and hopes
in 2020, he also got married this year.  to “spend my career helping businesses and non-
Holmes, who also passed the exam, said he stud- profits in advocating for them before the state
ied eight to 10 hours a day, six days a week for the Legislature.”
two months leading up to the exam.                                                             ¦

Holmes, who was one of the chief organizers of Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
Diploma Privilege for Connecticut, said Friday: “I analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
think we raised awareness of the dumbness of the him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
bar exam. The bar exam doesn’t measure compe- 203-437-5950.

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