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26  ■  JUNE 21, 2021                 CONNECTICUT OPINIONS

        SUPREME COURT                                      held that the zoning administrator did not have
                                                           the authority to determine that plaintiff’s ap-
                                                           plication was void because it was incomplete,
                                                           because nothing in the pertinent regulations
        LAND USE AND PLANNING                              or the enabling statutes suggest that zoning
                                                           administrators  have  any  authority to act on
        Zoning Administrator Did Not Have                  an application for a special permit. The court
        Authority to Take Conclusive Action on             also determined that plaintiff could not have
        Application for a Special Permit                   appealed to the board from the action of the
                                                           zoning administrator because it was not a legal
        CASE: Farmington-Girard, LLC v. Planning & Zoning   decision for the purposes of the General Stat-
        Comm’n of the City of Hartford                     utes Section 8-6, which governs these appeals.
        COURT: Connecticut Supreme Court                   Therefore, the court reversed the judgment of
        DOC. NO.: SC 20374                                 the Appellate Court.
        COURT OPINION BY: McDonald
        DATE: June 07, 2021 • PAGES: 15
        Plaintiff applied for a special permit to build a  APPELLATE COURT
        fast-food restaurant on property that it owns
        in  the  city  of  Hartford.   Plaintiff  then filed
        four separate appeals challenging various text  CIVIL PROCEDURE
        amendments to the Hartford Zoning Regula-
        tions and zoning map changes made by de-           Court Found That Lower Court Violated
        fendant.  These changes, if adopted, would
        preclude  plaintiff  from  obtaining  the  special   Plaintiffs’ Right to Due Process
        permit.  The trial court dismissed the appeals  CASE: Jackson v. Pennymac Loan Serv., LLC
        on the grounds that plaintiff had failed to ex- COURT: Connecticut Appellate Court
        haust its administrative remedies when it did  DOC. NO.: AC 43042
        not appeal to the city’s Zoning Board of Ap- COURT OPINION BY: Flynn
        peals.  Plaintiff appealed to the Appellate  DATE: June 08, 2021 • PAGES: 13
        Court, which affirmed the trial court’s judg- Plaintiffs owned real property and paid off the
        ment.  Plaintiff appealed again and the court  mortgage to defendant by wire transfer in 2016.
        reversed. The issues  before  the court  were  Defendant  was  notified  of  the  statutorily-man-
        whether a zoning administrator has the author- dated 60-day period to issue a valid release of the
        ity to take conclusive action on an application  mortgage  but  defendant  failed  to  timely  do  so.
        for a special permit and whether an applicant  Plaintiffs sued defendant and defendant moved
        whose special permit is rejected as void must  to dismiss.  Defendant did not argue in its mo-
        exhaust its administrative remedies by appeal- tion that the action should be dismissed for lack
        ing to a zoning board of appeals.  The court  of subject matter jurisdiction; however, the trial
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