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10  ■  JUNE 21, 2021                           NEWS

                                Robert Berke Embraces

                                Role of Video Evidence

                                                 By Robert Storace

               criminal defense lawyer for                                   Robert Berke: The long delays
               nearly three decades, Bridge-                               due to COVID have resulted in an
        A ort attorney Robert Berke                                        adverse impact upon the rights of
        has seen how police accounts of                                    the accused.
        events are looked at differently to-                                 The COVID pandemic has re-
        day, with more and more arrests and                                sulted in a strained relationship with
        police interactions with individuals                               incarcerated clients. Several clients
        now being recorded.                                                have expressed frustration that the
          At 54, Berke has operated the                                    state Department of Correction and
        Law Office of Robert Berke for 21                                  Federal Bureau of Prisons had not ad-
        years. He noted that before videos                                 equately protected their health. They
        of police interactions with citizens,                              are also frustrated with the lengthy
        courts  gave  deference  to  law  en-                              continuances that have occurred in
        forcement accounts of events.         Bridgeport criminal defense   state criminal court matters.
          But that’s all changed, he said.       attorney Robert Berke.      As a trial lawyer, the ultimate way
                                                    Courtesy photo
          “The video documentation has                                     to defend our client’s who are pre-
        provided strong evidence to support my client’s  sumed innocent is to require the state to prove the
        civil rights claims, and the reliance on eyewitness ac- charges at trial.
        counts and officers’ statements have been reduced,”
        Berke said. “As a result of video documentation, the   CLT: You’ve been an attorney for nearly three
        unspoken presumption of reliability previously af- decades with part of your focus being on civil
        forded to officers has decreased. The videos have  rights. How has representing clients changed over
        also provided plaintiffs attorneys with additional  that time with many arrests and interactions with
        evidence to consider whether to civilly prosecute  police now being recorded?
        these allegations.”                                   Berke: Prior to video evidence, the criminal justice
          Berke, a Woodbridge resident who grew up in  system credited an officer’s version of events over a
        Queens, New York, received his law degree in 1992  citizen’s claim that their civil rights were violated.
        from Quinnipiac University School of Law.             During the past few years, many instances of po-
          Berke recently sat down with the Connecticut  lice misconduct have been captured on cellphone
        Law Tribune to answer five questions on a variety  videos, surveillance systems, body cams, and police
        of topics. Those answers have been edited for length  dash cams. The video documentation has provided
        and clarity.                                       strong evidence to support my client’s civil rights
                                                           claims, and the reliance on eyewitness accounts and
          Connecticut Law Tribune: Jury trials began in  officers’ statements have been reduced.
        state courts June 1, but there were court closures    As a result of video documentation, the unspoken
        and no jury trials for more than a year in the state  presumption of reliability previously afforded to of-
        due to COVID-19. What was the effect of those  ficers has decreased. The videos have also provided
        closures and delays on the rights of the criminal  plaintiffs attorneys with additional evidence to con-
        defendants you represented during that time?       sider whether to civilly prosecute these allegations.

           Law Tribune
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