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NEWS                                     JUNE 21, 2021  ■  9
        of  the Civil Issues  Subcommittee                                  about the job, which will see
        of the Attorney General’s Advisory                                  him focus on deals with disputes
        Committee.                                                          stemming from the collective bar-
          At Day Pitney, Droney’s focus                                     gaining agreement.
        is on complex litigation at the                                       His role will not include play-
        state and federal level. He also        Football fan and Day        ers’ conduct on and off the field, or
        represents clients in white-collar   Pitney partner Christopher     issues related to the league’s drug
        defense and matters involving        Droney has been tapped to      policy.
        governmental and internal inves-      be the NFL’s arbitrator, a      Litigants could appeal his rul-
        tigations.                           part-time post that will see   ing  to a three-person committee
          He brings that litigation experi-  him remain at the law firm.    on which management and the
        ence to the role, using the league’s                                players association agree. That
        roughly 400-page collective bar-                                    committee has the final say on all
        gaining agreement as a guiding                                      cases.
        tool in making decisions.                                             Droney said Burbank told him
          “I have done a lot of analysis                                    that on average he could be work-
        over the years of complicated fi-                                   ing on between two and five cases
        nancial documents, and that’s what this document  a year. The lawyers also talked about precedent, with
        is,” Droney said. “I have reviewed the 400 pages.”  Burbank sending the new arbitrator key decisions to
                                                           review. Now, as he heads into the new role, Droney
          Recruitment                                      said he is familiar with those decisions, and how
          The former judge said the league approached him  they were written.
        earlier this year about the position.                 The Big Law partner said the NFL job will not in-
          He said five NFL representatives and five mem- terfere with his role at Day Pitney.
        bers of the NFL Players Association interviewed       He said the length of his employment with the
        him via Zoom.                                      league is set to be 18 months. He could then gain
          “They asked me many questions about my back- reappointment for another two years, and a series of
        ground, my experience as a judge, and I also reviewed  subsequent two-year terms.
        the collective bargaining agreement to prepare for    Droney said he’d like to continue in the job for as
        the call,” Droney said.                            long as the NFL and the players association want
          The league and players association will contribute  him there.
        to his salary, which is still being negotiated, the at-  He said, “I hope I satisfy both sides, and continue
        torney said.                                       to be retained by them.”                         ■
          NFL media staff members Alex Riethmiller and
        Andrew Howard didn’t respond to a request for  Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        comment.                                           analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
          As part of taking on the role, Droney also spoke at  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        length on the telephone with predecessor Burbank  203-437-5950.

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