Page 51 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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professional and have integrity. Law firms, companies and                      Responses prepared by
           individuals around the world are operating in the midst of                     Matthew W. Lampe,
           an unprecedented global pandemic, and we respect lawyers                       global labor & employ-
           who show appropriate professional courtesy in accommo-                         ment co-practice leader,
           dating the needs of clients and courts while still processing                  and Kristina Yost,
           matters efficiently and with integrity. We also strongly value                 partner at the firm.
           opposing counsel who are practical in their approach to
           litigation. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 1 advocates for
           the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of litigation,
           which we believe is best for the legal system and our clients.
           We value opposing counsel who share respect for the prin-  then practicing more. The word practice in the “practice of
           ciples of Rule 1 and work to advance litigation in an efficient    law” is key to the successful development of future genera-
           manner.                                           tions of litigators. We also provide robust training tailored to
                                                             labor and employment law and litigation skill enhancement
           What is the firm doing to ensure that future generations   through a fulsome associate training program. Associates not
           of litigators are ready to take the helm? It is extremely   only attend these regular trainings but, as they gain experi-
           important to provide training and opportunities to junior   ence, participate in conducting the trainings themselves.
           lawyers, enabling them to develop and enhance their skills   Investing in the development of future generations of leaders
           while advancing to higher levels of responsibility in their   is critical to our success and to our ability to represent our
           careers. We staff our cases leanly, which enables associates   clients in their most consequential labor and employment
           to take on meaningful responsibility early in their careers   challenges.
           and to get individualized guidance from partners and more
           senior associates. Our junior lawyers play important roles in
           formulating strategy, work directly with clients, and partici-
           pate in key case activities. They develop by observing more
           senior lawyers, practicing by doing, getting feedback, and

           Photo: Ryland West/ALM; Jones Day (inset)                                          |   October 2021   49
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