Page 49 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
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A prospective client in crisis calls and asks why your team From left, front, partners Dale Cendali, Claudia Ray
should be retained. What is your answer? Kirkland has a and Leslie Schmidt; middle, partners Jeanna Wacker,
deep pool of extremely talented and committed trial lawyers, Patricia Carson, Robert Appleby and Greg Arovas;
ranging from highly experienced first-chair attorneys down back, James Marina, Todd Friedman and Joe Loy.
through our consistently strong associates. We have the abil-
ity on a moment’s notice to put together an outstanding team Responses prepared by Todd M. Friedman,
with extensive experience in all aspects of patent, copyright, partner at the firm.
trademark, trade secret, and other areas of IP law. Trial is always
first and foremost in our minds when Kirkland takes a case.
Developing key theories and themes early in a litigation allows
us to flesh out critical supporting evidence during discovery,
ensuring that we can present a compelling story at trial to What is the firm doing to ensure that future generations
maximize our chances of winning. We also pay close attention of litigators are ready to take the helm? Training is a
to the client’s business goals when developing our strategy, to key focus at Kirkland. Our annual Kirkland Institute of Trial
pursue results that meet or exceed their metrics for success. Advocacy does a phenomenal job of preparing associates for
real-world trials, allowing them to try mock cases over 2-3
What traits do you respect most in opposing firms and law- days in front of jurors drawn from the community. Beyond
yers? Competence and integrity. I always appreciate when such formal training, Kirkland also places a great deal
opposing counsel is able to efficiently identify and focus of emphasis on finding early opportunities for its associates to
on the key issues driving the case. That allows us to liti- develop experience and skills in every aspect of litigation. I have
gate the case’s real merits, without devoting time and the seen a trend of judges commenting that they appreciate seeing
client’s resources to sideshows. I also appreciate when more junior attorneys take stand-up roles, which makes it a win-
opposing counsel is honest, reasonable, and can be taken win for us to provide our junior attorneys those opportunities.
at their word. Those qualities make it much easier to work
through the disputes that inevitably arise during litigation,
and everyone benefits.
Photo: Ryland West/ALM | October 2021 47