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                                 The 2021 New York Law Journal
                                  Professional Excellence Awards

               he New York Law Journal’s annual                             was turned upside down. We hope to see
               Professional Excellence Awards are                           our honorees there, provided they are
           T back in physical form.                                         comfortable with doing so.
             I do not believe I need to go into great                         Last year, we added a new innovation
           detail as to the significance of that state-                     category to the awards and we have con-
           ment.                                                            tinued that this year. And of course, we
             As we all know, the historical events                          still have the coveted Attorney of the
           that have transpired over the past year                          Year Award.
           would give Billy Joel plenty of lyrical fod-                       Choosing the winner from this list of
           der to make a “We Didn’t Start The Fire”                         intrepid nominees was indeed no easy
           sequel, should the Piano Man decide to                           task. But we are keeping our cards close
           do so.                                                           to the vest until the big night.
             (Though Part II would certainly be far                           Regardless of who takes the top prize,
           less entertaining. Does anyone know any-                         we would like to tip our hats to nomi-
           thing that rhymes with “social distanc-                          nees Barry Berke, a partner at, Kramer
           ing”? Or “actively eating or drinking”?)                         Levin Naftalis & Frankel; Linda Goldstein,
             But through all of the challenges, the                         a Dechert partner; and Michael Hiller,
           lockdowns and even the loss of loved   ruptcy did not turn out to be the cash   managing partner of Hiller, PC.
           ones and colleagues, lawyers of all stripes   cow we expected it to be as we entered   And we most certainly want to thank
           and practice areas marched forward.   2021 and the short-lived “Hot Vax Sum-  the hundreds of attorneys who were
             Firms big and small hunkered down   mer.” On the same token, who would have   nominated to our myriad categories.
           at home and in virtual meetings to keep   predicted real estate to be holding up   Some of you may not be walking away
           cases and transactional deals moving.   this well?               from our event with an award in hand.
           Some attorneys found that conducting   And despite recent legal challenges,   But you wouldn’t be here unless your
           discovery and matrimonial proceedings   how about those SPACs?   colleagues or contemporaries looked
           is far easier when it’s not necessary to   Last year, we honored New York’s   with admiration or even envy at the work
           have everyone in the same room. Crimi-  legal stars virtually. We could not allow   you do to further your profession.
           nal defense attorneys fought for clients   the great accomplishments of our legal
           whose safety may have been endangered   community go unrecognized, even in a
           by languishing in cramped jails.   year where we couldn’t all be together   Andrew Denney
             Leaders made plans to bring attorneys   to press the flesh in congratulations with
           and staff safely back into the office. Some   the winners or embrace old friends who
           adjusted those plans when it became   we haven’t seen in a while.
           clear that COVID-19 wasn’t going away   This year we are proud to hold an in-
           quietly. And managers climbed out of   person awards ceremony on Oct. 13 at
           their ivory towers to check on the mental   the New York Marriott Marquis in Times
           and physical health of the rank and file.  Square, the same place we planned to   Bureau Chief
             As far as the work goes, perhaps bank-  hold the event in 2020 before the world   New York Law Journal

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