Page 10 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 10


                       ALAN KORNBERG

                             PARTNER AT PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, WHARTON & GARRISON

              Through his decades in practice, Alan has established himself at the pinnacle of the restructuring field

                  through his deft handling of the most complex, high-stakes matters across many industries.

                                 But what really sets Alan apart from his peers   in the hard fought Energy Future Holdings
                                 is his quiet, thoughtful, respectful approach to   bankruptcy. Once the target of the largest
                                 the most high-profile, contentious situations,   LBO ever, EFH’s unique intercreditor disputes
                                 leading disparate constituencies to global   threatened to mire the company in litigation
                                 resolutions. No one in the restructuring field   for years. With Alan’s leadership and brilliance,
                                 is more highly respected and admired than     settlements were ultimately reached, with
                                 Alan.                                  his clients emerging as owners of one of the
                                   Within Paul, Weiss, Alan is a beloved partner   largest independent power generators in the
                   BY KELLEY     and a treasured mentor to many—including   country.
                     CORNISH     me—having established the firm’s restruc-  Aside from leading massive, high-profile
                                 turing practice in the 1990s and carefully   matters, Alan is a master at handling more
                                 building it to become one of the best in the    off-beat complicated global restructurings.
                                 country.                               For example, in the bankruptcy of Isle of Man-
                                   Alan has always shown a patience and   registered shipping company Navigator Gas,
                                 genius for solving seemingly intractable prob-  Alan engineered a hostile chapter 11 plan that
                                 lems. For example, in the 2001 bankruptcy   resulted in his noteholder clients owning the
                                 of California utility giant PG&E, described   company, a result ultimately affirmed by the
                                 by some as an attempted “regulatory jail-  UK Privy Council in a landmark decision.
                                 break,” Alan represented the state regulator,   Alan has been a leader and a visionary at
                                 the California Public Utilities Commission   Paul, Weiss for decades, building the restruc-
                                 (CPUC), convincing it to propose a compet-  turing group over time lawyer by lawyer. It
                                 ing chapter 11 plan for PG&E, which ultimately   was the opportunity to partner with Alan
                                 resulted in a global resolution of the ground-  that initially drew me laterally to the firm
                                 breaking case. CPUC returned to Alan for   in 2003. While firms typically specialized in
                                 his leadership in PG&E’s second Chapter 11   either company- or creditor-side work, Alan
                                 case precipitated in 2019 by the disastrous   decided early on that we were going to do
                                 California wildfires, and Alan, again, was a   everything, because we would become better
                                 leader in forging the hotly contested, high-  lawyers for our clients in the process. Today,
                                 profile multibillion-dollar PG&E restructuring   no peer firm has a more balanced restructuring
                                 in 2020.                               practice.
                                   Alan’s talents as one of the most effective   Most notably, in a field known for sharp
                                 advocates and skilled dealmakers in the coun-  elbows and gamesmanship, Alan is humble,
                                 try were also on display in his representation   gracious, kind and well-mannered—an exem-
                                 of the holders of $15 billion in secured claims   plary human being in every way. With his
                                                                        work ethic, grace and professionalism, Alan
                                                                        reminds us of what is best in our profession.
                                 Kelley Cornish is a restructuring partner at Paul,   We have been truly blessed to have him as
                                 Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.    our role model.

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