Page 46 - CLT061421
P. 46

46  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                   CLOSING ARGUMENT

                                                 EDITORIAL BOARD

                     Bad Timing for an Environmental

                            Brain Drain in Connecticut

                 sk any resident “What is the biggest
                 environmental challenge facing Connecti-
          Acut?” and you will get answers that range
          from climate change, to air and water quality,
          to loss of open space and environmental justice.
          But there is a bigger threat to environmental pro-
          tection in our state that is largely unknown and
          seldom discussed: By 2022, retirements at the
          Department of Energy and Environmental Pro-
          tection (DEEP) will result in the loss of 44% of the
          staff in its Environmental Quality Division, and
          more than 30% department wide. This looming
          state agency human resource crisis is not limited
          to  DEEP,  as  the  recently released  Connecticut
          CREATES Project reports. The brain drain, at
          DEEP especially, could not come at a worse time
          for the environment.
            Just 50 years ago, the Connecticut General            Connecticut Department of Energy and
          Assembly established the Department of Envi-                  Environmental Protection.
          ronmental Protection. Much progress has been  man resources, but it has not been—and will not
          made since then, especially related to air and  be—easy. The CREATES report identified, for ex-
          water quality, but we still have a long way to go.  ample, that DEEP has an extremely high attrition
          Emerging new contaminants are impacting our  rate with younger employees, many staying less
          water resources. Land development is outpac- than five years and making successional planning
          ing our ability to protect farm and forest land.  a “pain-point.” The next generation of environ-
          We only need to look at this past year to see the  mental leaders is just not there in the numbers
          vulnerabilities in our food supply system and the  DEEP needs.
          benefits of our state parks and forests. Combine    The report also acknowledges that some person-
          these challenges with the imminent impacts of  nel including field engineers are highly specialized
          climate change and it is obvious that losing close  and difficult to replace, as are many in the envi-
          to half of DEEP’s most seasoned staff, with their  ronmental quality and natural resource division.
          institutional knowledge of our state’s environ- Among the several solutions identified in the re-
          mental regulations and natural resources, will  port is cross-training, but this can only be taken
          wreak havoc. The environment and public health  so far. An environmental chemist who specializes
          will suffer and those most affected will include  in air quality has vastly different knowledge and
          our most vulnerable communities.                 skills than a wildlife biologist dealing with an in-
            DEEP  has  been  struggling  to  find  ways  to  creasing black bear population in our urban state.
          mitigate the effects of this impending loss of hu- It may be efficient to have some staff who can work

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