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OPINION JUNE 14, 2021 ■ 45
done using remote platforms, benefit from the opportunity to
I could do just as good a job take the pulse of the member-
watching over him from the From embracing remote ship on the issue. Bill is of my
beach as I would if I were sitting vintage and has spent his ca-
in my New London office. The work to the latest election reer in the solo practice world.
judge agreed with me. The days at the Connecticut Bar Maggie is young and from the
of butts in seats might well be Association, we’re living ranks of the public defenders.
over. Yes, for socialization, men- through a new chapter in I thought she might well be an
toring and cross-fertilization, it’s the state’s legal history. exemplar of the next generation
hard to duplicate sitting around of bar leaders; diverse, and from
with peers over a cup of coffee. sectors of the bar who’ve not
But for introverts like me, grind- been represented before, such as
ing out the deliverable is actually easier without Ndidi Moses, our first U.S. attorney president or
the distractions of hearing about someone’s vaca- Karen DeMeola, our first gay woman of color law
tion or buying Girl Scout cookies from a colleague school dean.
trying to help her daughter make quota. Us old war horses still have something to offer,
I see that Maggie Castinaldo got more votes but I can’t imagine sitting in a courtroom for hours
than Bill Dezinno and will now go through the on end while my aging bladder screams for relief.
chairs to become CBA president. I signed Bill’s pe- Time for the next generation to take the mantle. ■
tition to challenge Maggie’s nomination and some
of my friends wondered what was up with that. I Mark Dubois, of counsel to Geraghty & Bonnano
told them that we’d be well-served by either of the in New London, is Connecticut’s former chief dis-
candidates, and I thought the association would ciplinary counsel.
Referrals? Present your practice area to more
than 15,000 Attorneys in Connecticut
Mitchell Cohn
[email protected]
Law Tribune