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36  ■  JUNE 14, 2021                 CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        which plaintiff moved to strike. After reviewing  included additional information that never
        the  facts,  the  court  denied  the  motion,  ruling  happened. While ultimately allowed to return
        that the Trust had alleged facts to legally sup- to work, Fludd was subjected to harassment
        port a defense of unclean hands.                   and wrongful investigations. Following an on-
                                                           duty injury, he filed an application for disabil-
        DISPUTE RESOLUTION •                               ity which was denied and ultimately left the
        CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES                               Greenwich Police Department in 2015. After
                                                           filing suit against the defendants, defendants
                                                           moved to strike the complaint, and while the
        Property Owner Fails to Get Arbitration  court did strike a few paragraphs, the court
        Award Vacated                                      found that facts were sufficient to support
        CASE: Elevator Serv. Co., Inc. v. 63rd St. CT, LLC   Fludd’s § 1981 and retaliation claims.
        COURT: Waterbury J.D.
        DOC. NO.: CV-15-6026902                            INSURANCE LAW
        COURT OPINION BY: Pellegrino
        DATE: May 14, 2021 • PAGES: 20                     Court Denied Plaintiff’s Summary
        A property owner, who moved to vacate an ar-       Judgment Motion in Lawsuit
        bitration award against an elevator repair com-
        pany, failed to show that the arbitrator exceed  Concerning Excluded Driver Policy
        his powers. In 2014, the owner of a building,      CASE: Permanent Gen. Assurance Corp. v. Bond
        defendant 63  Street, brought a claim against      COURT: New London J.D. at New London
        an elevator company, plaintiff Elevator Service    DOC. NO.: CV-19-6042218
        Company, in relation to a contract to repair and   COURT OPINION BY: Swienton
        install an elevator. Pursuant to their agreement,  DATE: May 19, 2021 • PAGES: 8
        there was a binding arbitration hearing, and the  Plaintiff commenced this action for a declara-
        arbitrator found in favor of plaintiff. After de- tory judgment against defendants in order to
        fendant moved to vacate and plaintiff moved to  determine whether it owes a duty to defend and
        confirm, the court denied the motion to vacate,  indemnify them in a separate action known as
        ruling that defendant failed to show the arbitra- the “Amica” action.  The Amica action related
        tor exceeded his powers.                           to  a  car accident  that  occurred  in  2017 and
                                                           alleged negligence against defendants.  Defen-
        EMPLOYMENT LITIGATION • CIVIL RIGHTS               dants filed a counterclaim alleging breach of
                                                           contract, among other claims.  Plaintiff filed
        Police Officer Survives Motion to Strike           a motion for summary judgment and the court
                                                           denied the motion. As to the declaratory judg-
        On Discrimination Matter                           ment action, plaintiff argued that there was

        CASE: Fludd v. Berry                               no genuine issue of material fact regarding
        COURT: Stamford-Norwalk J.D., Complex Litigation Docket  the terms of the insurance contract between
        DOC. NO.: CV-17-6037898                            the parties.  Defendant Allyson Bond was an
        COURT OPINION BY: Ozalis                           excluded driver under plaintiff’s policy on the
        DATE: May 19, 2021 • PAGES: 36                     date of the car accident in the Amica action.
        A police officer, who alleged that he faced  Plaintiff submitted the insurance policy where
        racial discrimination by his superiors, was  Allyson Bond was listed as an excluded driver
        able to prove facts to justify a claim under 42  with a cancelled license status.  In his affida-
        U.S.C § 1981 to survive a motion to strike. De- vit, Gary Bond testified that he never request-
        fendants are the chief of the Greenwich Po- ed or authorized an exclusion of Allyson on
        lice Department, two police captains, the First  the policy.  The court reasoned that plaintiff
        Selectman of the town of Greenwich and the  had the burden of showing the nonexistence
        Director  of  Human  Resources  for  the  town.  of any issue of fact, and did not produce any
        In 2011, the plaintiff, Donnell Fludd, was  definitive evidence to prove that Gary Bond
        placed on administrative leave after a woman,  approved the exclusion of Allyson.  Therefore,
        whom he previously had a relationship with,  there was a question of fact as to whether Al-
        complained that he harassed her after she  lyson Bond was a covered insured at the time
        broke up with him. Fourteen months later,  of  the  car  accident.  The  court  denied  plain-
        GPD issued its internal affairs report which  tiff’s motion.
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