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8  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                             NEWS

        ■ From TRIBUTES on PAGE 7                             “He had the driest sense of humor,” Proto said.
          Paul Proto, a partner with Sachs & Proto in North  “There was never an interaction with Ed where you
        Haven, said Doernberger “never got rattled. He  did not have that Ed Doernberger chuckle. He al-
        was  always  even-keeled and  was                                   ways had that chuckle.”
        a sounding board for reason and                                       Proto called his friend’s athletic
        rationality.”                                                       abilities “absolutely amazing as
          Proto became an attorney in           Friends and peers are       evidenced  by  the  list  of  accom-
        1988 with Doernberger when             remembering insurance        plishments in his life.” Those, Proto
        both were at Sachs, Berman,                                         noted, included his hobbies of cy-
        Rashba & Shure. He stayed in               attorney Edwin           cling—at one time he biked more
        touch with Doernberger over the        Doernberger, who died        than 20,000 miles in seven years—
        years.                                      May 21 at 76.           and, earlier in his life, track and
          “I remained friends with him                                      field. He was captain of the Co-
        because he was one of the good                                      lumbia University track and field
        guys,” Proto said Friday. “He was                                   team and his 1966 hammer throw
        a gentle and kind soul. He was intense in his profes- remains one of the longest in university history.  ■
        sion, but not intense emotionally. Business lawyers
        like to jump up and down and scream and yell. That  Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        was not him,” Proto said.                          analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
          Doernberger was also known for his dry wit and  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        fitness routines.                                  203-437-5950.

                                                                                Print  eBook  Online

           Due Diligence in Securities Offerings
           by Corey R. Chivers

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                   Corey R. Chivers is a partner in Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP’s Capital Markets
                   practice. He has represented corporations, investment banks, national governments
                   and multinational financial institutions in a wide range of public and private securities
                   offerings, including initial public offerings, major high-yield transactions and
                   investment grade debt offerings.


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