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4  ■  JUNE 7, 2021                    CONNECTICUT MOVERS

        ■ From HARTFORD on PAGE 3                                           But  she  said  her mentor  at  the
          She wrote that she just com-                                      firm, Hartford corporate partner
        pleted a six-month trial of an                                      Julie  Mahaney,  has  been  particu-
        experimental drug that research-       With much-appreciated        larly supportive.
        ers hope will slow symptoms of        support from Locke Lord         Mahaney said Cavaliere was a
        ALS, a progressive neurodegen-         co-workers, Alexandra        stellar associate before her diagno-
        erative disease that affects nerve        Cavaliere said she        sis and continues to excel.
        cells in the brain and the spinal       continues to work as          “She  does  excellent work.  She
        cord, and causes people to eventu-      a corporate associate       has been very upfront and honest
        ally lose their ability to walk, talk,   nearly a year after her ALS   and we have been able to accom-
        eat and breathe.                       diagnosis, which is the      modate her,” Mahaney said.
          According to Cavaliere, she        “only thing that keeps her       Nicholas Scott, general counsel
        has benefited from “complete and                                    of Everspan Insurance Co. in New
        unconditional support” from col-         going” some days.          York, said Cavaliere is the point
        leagues, family and friends since                                   person from Locke Lord on the
        her diagnosis. Co-workers have                                      diligence portion in a pending ac-
        “circled around”  her,  she  wrote,                                 quisition.
        providing her with the support she needs to continue   “Her work has been top-notch,” Scott said. “She’s
        to work, and understanding when she needs to take  incredibly responsive.”
        a break.                                              He said that before an important board of direc-
          She wrote that “continuing to work as a corporate  tors call, Cavaliere told him about her diagnosis and
        lawyer, and engaging in something unrelated to ALS,  the fact that it affects her speech.
        is the only thing that keeps me going some days.”     “I kind of appreciated the … transparent disclo-
          In an interview, Cavaliere said that when you are  sure,” Scott said. ”It allowed me to brief a couple of
        told you have around five years to live, it’s tough to  the important constituents on the call. It was matter
        find reasons, at least at first, to wake up every day.  of fact, totally appropriate.”              ■

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