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4 ¦ APRIL 12, 2021                        NEWS

¦ From SCOTUS on PAGE 1                                               pornography in email metadata
future victims of mass shootings                                      files allegedly sent to the host.
from being preyed on by oppor-                                        As it relates to Mattei, who ran
tunists.”                                                             and lost as a candidate for Con-
New Haven attorney Norm Pat-              The U.S. Supreme Court      necticut attorney general as a
tis, who represented Jones in his                                     Democrat, Jones zoomed on the
appeal to the country’s high court,       declined to hear an         photo of the attorney and linked
declined to comment for this re-                                      him to the Democratic Party. He
port.                                        appeal in the Sandy      then used a homophobic expletive
                                          Hook Elementary School      to refer to him.
  Several family members of those         defamation lawsuit from
killed at the Sandy Hook school           Alex Jones, the right-wing    The state Supreme Court tran-
in December 2012 sued Jones for                                       script shows that Jones, while
                                                   radio host.

defamation. Jones originally said                                     showing Mattei’s photo, said, “Oh
the shooting was staged, but he                                       nice little Chris Mattei. … You
has since walked back some of                                         think you’ll put this on me. Any-
those comments.                                                       ways, I’m done. Total war. You
The Koskoff firm has filed several defamation want it? You got it. I’m not into kids like your Demo-
suits against Jones.                              cratic Party. … So, get ready.”
Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis sanctioned At another point, according to the transcripts,
Jones soon after the talk-show host went on a rant Jones said, “One million dollars to put your head in
on his show in June 2019 in which he targeted Kos- a pike.”
koff attorney Christopher Mattei.                 The sanctions Bellis’ leveled at Jones included bar-
In July 2020, the Connecticut Supreme Court up- ring him from filing a motion to dismiss the lawsuit.
held the Bellis sanctions against Jones.          Robinson, in his ruling for the state’s high court,
At the time, Pattis called the comments protected said the trial court had the “inherent authority to
speech.                                           impose sanctions” against Jones for “bad faith and
In writing for the court, Connecticut Supreme harassing litigation conduct.”
Court Chief Justice Richard Robinson highlighted                                                         ¦

the comments Jones made on his June 14, 2019, Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
show in which Pattis was a guest.                 analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
The controversial host had accused Mattei, whose him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
picture he showed on the air, of planting child 203-437-5950.


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