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CONNECTICUT MOVERS                                             APRIL 12, 2021 ¦ 3

              New President, Stockholder and
                     Hires at Reid & Riege

                                         By Michael Marciano

Connecticut firm Reid and Riege recently an-
nounced Thomas R. Kasper has been named
its new president, succeeding Jon P. Newton,
and John Paul “JP” Callahan has been named
a stockholder of the firm, in conjunction with
a slate of new hires.
Kasper is the eighth president to lead Reid
and Riege since the firm was founded in Har-
ford in 1950. The 34-attorney firm has offices
in New Haven and West Hartford.
Kasper has been with the firm since 1999,
focusing his practice on commercial real es-
tate and general business representation. Since
2017, he has served on the firm’s management             Top row(L-R) Amy B. de Lannoy, Jeffrey N. Kaplan,

                                                         Troy S. DeLeon, Bottom row(L-R) Stefan R. Sjoberg,

committee.                                         John  Paul  Callahan,  and Thomas R. Kasper  of  Reid  and  Riege.
  “I am both                                                                Courtesy Photos.
              humbled  and  honored  to  be  selected
by my fellow stockholders as the firm’s new Presi- DeLeon works with clients in the business services
dent,” Kasper said. “I am eager to help continue practice, providing advice on a business law topics,
the firm’s proud tradition and commitment to the including operational matters and positioning for
service of our clients and our community.” Kasper expansion, strategic partnerships and changes in
also thanked Newton for “wise, inclusive and steady ownership.
leadership” during his tenure, noting that his prede- Kaplan works in litigation, representing indi-
cessor will continue working at the firm as leader of viduals and organizations in civil, criminal and
Reid & Riege’s insolvency and bankruptcy practice. regulatory matters, including appeals. Prior to join-
Callahan is a member of Reid & Riege’s estate ing Reid & Riege, Kaplan clerked for the Judge Nina
planning and settlement practice, advising clients F. Elgo of the Connecticut Appellate Court.
on trust administration and transfer of wealth mat- Business services associate Sjoberg counsels cli-
ters. His background includes working with closely ents on corporate matters, from pre-deal negotiations
held businesses and tax-exempt organizations.            through post-closing deliverables. He has worked
New to the firm are Amy B. de Lannoy, serving as with clients on transactions ranging from business
of counsel in health and human services, and associ- purchase and sale agreements to real estate closings.
ates Troy S. DeLeon, Jeffrey N. Kaplan and Stefan R. Sjoberg is also an adjunct faculty professor at Western
Sjoberg.                                                 New England University School of Law and is admit-
De Lannoy is a member of the firm’s health and ted to practice in Connecticut and Massachusetts. ¦
human services practice, representing physicians
and other health care providers on matters related Michael Marciano is bureau chief of the Connecti-
to regulatory compliance, practice management and cut Law Tribune. He can be reached at mmarciano@
other matters. She is admitted to practice Connecti- or call 646-957-3022. On Twitter: @Break-
cut and New York.                                        ingCTLaw

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