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April 12, 2021 ¦ Vol. 47, No. 15 ¦ $10.00                                                     What will the return
                                                                                              of jury trials look
                                                                                              like as Connecticut
                                                                                              breaks free from the
                                                                                              COVID-19 pandemic?
                                                                                              Attorneys continue to
                                                                                              express concerns.

                                                                                                      See page 5

SCOTUS Refuses to Hear Jones
  Appeal in Sandy Hook Case

                                           By ROBERT STORACE
The reaction from attorneys representing
      relatives of people killed at Sandy Hook El-
      ementary School was quick, and pointed to
the news that the U.S. Supreme Court declined
late Monday to hear an appeal from conservative
national syndicated radio host Alex Jones, who
was sanctioned for his on-air rant against oppos-
ing counsel.
Josh Koskoff, lead attorney for the families and a
partner with Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder in Bridge-
port, said the defamation lawsuit against Jones, the
Texas-based InfoWars host, was all about holding
him accountable for his actions.
In a Tuesday statement, Koskoff wrote: “We are
pleased that the Supreme Court denied the peti-
tion, allowing the well-justified sanctions against
Mr. Jones to stand. The families are eager to re-
sume their case and to hold Mr. Jones and his
financial network accountable for their actions.       Alex Jones in December 2018.
                                                      Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM

From the beginning, our goal has been to prevent                                              ¦ Continued on PAGE 4

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