Page 28 - The American Lawyer Trailblazers - South 2022
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Washington, D.C.

                                                                     Britt Mosman

                                                                Willkie Farr & Gallagher

                   What was the genesis of the idea/path that has made you a trailblazer?
                   I’ve had the pleasure of being an economic sanctions lawyer for many years and have been a part of the evolution
                   of sanctions law from an obscure, highly specialized area to something that dominates headlines and impacts
                   virtually any company with cross-border activity. The past two presidential administrations, in particular, have put a
                   major spotlight on the importance of sanctions as a tool of foreign policy, and today, sanctions are top-of-mind for
                   clients operating internationally. But it’s still a technical area of the law requiring significant subject matter exper-
                   tise. I enjoy bridging the gap between theory and reality and helping clients navigate the rapidly evolving sanctions
                   landscape, including most recently, the unprecedented use of sanctions in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
                   What sort of change has resulted from the concept?
                   At the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, I was deeply involved in developing and advising on Russia and foreign election
                   interference sanctions authorities, and now, in the private sector, I am still at the epicenter of these issues as I
                   advise clients on sanctions compliance. It’s been an honor to advise the Office of the President of Ukraine on U.S.
                   sanctions and export controls laws, including by identifying possible future sanctions measures that could be
                   taken. This is an area making a huge, real-world difference, as sanctions are a critical part of the U.S. response to
                   the Russia invasion of Ukraine. It’s gratifying to be part of these important world events and effect real change.
                   What bearing will this have on the future?
                   Sanctions are not a siloed tool anymore – they are intertwined with financial crimes more broadly as well as
                   ESG and reputational concerns. Sanctions bring to the fore a critical question for global companies: Should they
                   consider only what the law requires them to do, or also what they should be doing, and the reputational consid-
                   erations that may be at stake?

                                                              Zachary C. Schauf

                                                                            Jenner & Block

                   What was the genesis of the idea/path that has made you a trailblazer?
                   Technology cuts both ways in partisan gerrymandering. It can be used to create gerrymandered maps—but also
                   to fight them. We forged a new path, suing on behalf of a group of mathematicians and computer scientists, as
                   well as the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters, and working with the world’s leading experts to show
                   it’s possible to draw maps that excel on traditional redistricting principles – like compactness and county preser-
                   vation – while also treating both voters of both political parties and minority voters fairly.
                   What sort of change has resulted from the concept?
                   This fall, North Carolinians will vote under maps—for both state legislature and Congress—that are the fairest in
                   decades. All citizens, regardless of party, race, or region, have an equal chance to band with others to translate
                   votes into government power.
                   What bearing will this have on the future?
                   We’ve assured that, when North Carolinians go to the polls in November, they’ll vote under fair maps. And looking
                   forward, the North Carolina Supreme Court has set stringent standards for future maps drawn by the legislature.
                   The exact scope of these standards depends somewhat on how the U.S. Supreme Court resolves Moore v. Harper,
                   which it agreed to hear earlier this month. The North Carolina legislature has argued that, as to maps for U.S. Con-
                   gress, the federal Elections Clause disables state courts from enforcing the constraints that the people wrote into
                   their state constitutions to prevent politicians from abusing their power. We hope the U.S. Supreme Court will see
                   that those arguments are unfounded. But whatever the result in Moore, the precedent we set will continue to
                   govern maps for state legislative districts.

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