Page 28 - NYLJ Professional Excellence 2021
P. 28


          BARRY BERKE


                                                                                           BY RYAN TARINELLI

               arry Berke wasn’t getting much sleep. But really, neither   The second time around, Berke’s role played out behind
               were many Americans.                          the scenes. He assumed no public speaking role, he said.
                 It was late January and the nation, still reeling from   Instead, Berke and others helped craft the legal arguments and
           B devastating holiday season coronavirus surge, had   the factual presentation, something aimed at tying together
           been grappling with the aftermath of the violent Jan. 6 insur-  Trump’s conduct and his baseless election attacks to the
           rection from Donald Trump supporters.             deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
             In the wake of that deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, U.S.   The best path forward was to treat the impeachment case
           House officials tapped Berke to serve as chief impeachment   like a criminal trial, Berke said. They held the equivalent of
           counsel, a move that would loop him in on the second effort   mock trials, he recalled.
           to convict Trump in the Senate.                     Impeachment managers would practice presenting their
             “We had a very short period of time to figure out how to   sections and the impeachment team had worked to harmonize
           gather all the evidence, which we were doing in real time,   their presentation with the video and document evidence in
           while at the same time thinking about the most effective,   the case, Berke said.
           powerful and dramatic way to present it to help to prove our   “It was a very stressful period and I could not have done
           case,” said Berke, who is now back working at Kramer Levin   it without Barry Berke,” said U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, who
           Naftalis & Frankel. “And I often said that we were building   served as the lead impeachment manager. “And he just had
           our plane while we were trying to fly it.”        a marvelous sense of every dimension of the case from the
             “I recall just waking up every morning as early as possible   scheduling matters to the rules of evidence to the constitu-
           to work,” he said.                                tional questions.”
             In the end, the Senate acquitted Trump of inciting an insur-  Besides his work on the legal presentation, Berke was
           rection. Trump beat the constitutional spread for conviction,   responsible for mobilizing staff and negotiating the rules of
           but House impeachment managers and Berke walked away   the trial with Trump’s legal team and the Senate, Raskin said.
                                                               “It was an overwhelming project that he was engaged in,
                                                             but he was completely unflappable,” Raskin said of Berke.
                     BERKE SAID HE’S THRILLED TO BE BACK       Berke said he’s thrilled to be back at Kramer Levin. But
         AT KRAMER LEVIN. BUT HE SIGNALED HE’S NOT DONE      he signaled he’s not done with his work on election issues,
               WITH HIS WORK ON ELECTION ISSUES, SAYING      saying he’ll still represent those who he thinks are being
              HE’LL STILL REPRESENT THOSE WHO HE THINKS      unfairly attacked.
                           ARE BEING UNFAIRLY ATTACKED.        Now on the other side of two Trump impeachment efforts,
                                                             Berke says he is still an optimist on American democracy.
                                                             But, he says it will still take a fight to overcome the attacks
           with seven Republicans joining Democrats across the aisle   on democratic norms.
           to find Trump guilty.                               “[I hope] truth wins out and people realize that there's
             Berke became a breakout star during Trump’s first impeach-  some core principles that are far more important than par-
           ment proceedings, gaining attention for his cross-examina-  tisan politics,” he said. “That is the integrity of elections,
           tion of Corey Lewandowski, the former Trump campaign     the peaceful transfer of power and the health and safety of
           manager.                                          Americans.”

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        26   October 2021   |                                                               Photo: Ryland West/ALM
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