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18 ¦ DECEMBER 21, 2020               NEWS

¦ From INSURANCE on PAGE 17                                     against Arch Insurance Co. and
counsel leading the Society Insur-                              United Specialty Insurance Co.
ance cases, spearheaded efforts to                              over canceled season ski passes.
coordinate cases against Erie in    The U.S. Judicial Panel on    Derek Potts, of Potts Law Firm
the Eastern District of Pennsylva-   Multidistrict Litigation
                                                                in Houston, had moved to trans-
nia. As have other insurers facing   ordered coordination       fer the cases against Generali to

business interruption claims, Erie   of about two dozen         the Eastern District of Texas be-
had opposed an MDL but, in the lawsuits bringing business fore Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap.
event the panel disagreed, sug-                                 Generali, represented by Bronwyn
gested the Western District of       interruption claims        Pollock, a Mayer Brown partner
Pennsylvania.                                                   in Los Angeles, called the MDL
                                    against Erie Insurance to   petition “gamesmanship,” accus-
  The Western District of Penn-       the Western District of   ing plaintiffs firms of coordinating
sylvania is the “clear center of    Pennsylvania and a dozen    with one another to inflate the
gravity for this litigation,” the   cases against Generali to   case count.
panel concluded, appointing U.S.     the Southern District of

District Chief Judge Mark Hornak     New York.                  The panel chose U.S. District

to oversee the cases.                                           Judge John Koeltl, of the Southern
In the other order, the panel                                   District of New York, where Gen-
created a multidistrict litigation                              erali has U.S. headquarters. ¦
proceeding for a dozen cases against Generali, the
U.S. branch of Italian conglomerate Assicurazio- Amanda Bronstad is the ALM staff reporter cov-
ni Generali Group, which provided insurance for ering class actions and mass torts nationwide.
bookings on vacation rental site Vrbo. Those cases, She writes the email dispatch Critical Mass. She
according to the order, are more akin to the MDLs is based in Los Angeles.

CCM Recognizes Lawyers as ‘Municipal

                                     By Michael Marciano

The Connecticut Conference of Municipali- “CCM’s 2020 Municipal Champions showed
      ties honored four Connecticut attorneys this outstanding service and commitment to Con-
      month as CCM’s “Municipal Champions” for necticut towns and cities,” said Joe DeLong, CCM
2020 for their work on executive orders from Gov. Executive Director and CEO. “They put in count-
Ned Lamont’s office that have impacted cities and less hours on the complex issues related to over 80
towns during the COVID-19 pandemic.                 executive orders from the governor and worked
The accolades were announced at CCM’s recent tirelessly behind the scenes with CCM and
statewide convention, held virtually Dec. 1-3 for lo- our member municipal leaders over the last 10
cal leaders of Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities. months.”
The four honorees are attorney Claire Coleman, As undersecretary for legal affairs at OPM, Cole-
undersecretary for legal affairs for the state Office of man plays reviews and advises on legal, policy and
Policy and Management; New Haven solo practitio- budgetary issues at OPM and works with the gover-
ner Steven Mednick; Murtha Cullina partner Kari nor’s office to issue executive orders, crucially during
Olson; and Halloran Sage partner Rich Roberts. the COVID-19 pandemic.

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