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Connecticut Bar Foundation Report:
Grants Took Hit Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
By Michael Marciano
The Connecticut Bar Foundation Excellence. Established by the part-
has reported that charitable ners of Carmody Torrance San-
funds from Connecticut’s In- dak and Hennessey in memory
terest on Lawyers Trust Ac- of their former colleague, the
counts and Interest on Trust award recognizes a Connect-
Accounts (IOLTA/IOTA) icut nonprofit or attorney for
declined sharply in 2020 dedicated service and out-
as a result of the COV- standing achievements.
ID-19 pandemic’s effects Attorney David A. Pels
on markets, reducing was posthumously award-
the amount of available ed the 2020 Legal Ser-
funding to support ac- vices Leadership Award
cess-to-justice programs for his work as a pioneer
across the state. in Connecticut landlord-
In all, revenues tenant law, including de-
dropped by 36 percent, cades representing low-
the foundation said in income tenants. Greater
its 2020 annual report, noting that the Federal Hartford Legal Aid attorneys and staff previously
Reserve reduced interest rates in response to the established the David Pels Homelessness Preven-
worldwide public-health crisis. With the use of tion Fund at the CBF to honor Pels’ legacy, provid-
reserves, the CBF was able to limit the decrease in ing emergency grants to help legal aid clients avoid
overall grant payments to less than 16% in an ef- eviction or subsidy termination.
fort to assist a growing population of people who Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson was honored
qualified for services. The CBF also noted that the with the 2020 Distinguished Service Award for
decline in IOLTA revenues is unlikely to improve outstanding service to the bench, bar, commu-
in the near future. nity and public for his efforts to improve the legal
Shifting to virtual programming during the system through leadership on programs aimed
pandemic, the CBF partnered with the Connecti- at combating the effects of implicit biases on the
cut Bar Association to launch the Constance Bak- administration of justice.
er Motley Speaker Series on Racial Inequality last The foundation also welcomed 2020 elected
year. The series included seven events, with ad- directors former Connecticut Supreme Court Jus-
ditional installments coming this year. Panelists tice Joette Katz of Shipman and Goodwin, Anika
covered structural racism in the justice system Singh Lemar of Yale Law School, and Connecticut
and other areas. Fellows also hosted two in-per- Superior Court Judge Cesar Noble. ■
son roundtable discussions before the pandemic
began and five virtual roundtables. Michael Marciano is bureau chief of the
During the CBF’s virtual annual reception, the Connecticut Law Tribune. He can be reached at
Connecticut Veterans Legal Center was awarded [email protected] or call 646-957-3022. On
the 2nd Annual Anthony M. Fitzgerald Award for Twitter: @BreakingCTLaw
Law Tribune