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10  ■  JUNE 28, 2021                           NEWS

        ■ From McCARTER on PAGE 9                          Sheehan didn’t respond to a request for comment
        prepared to assert a false claim that McHugh stole  Monday.
        $691,000 from MCV,” the complaint alleges.            With regard to Mike Kelly, the lawsuit states:
          Today, Woods is a partner with Chapman at  “Rather than do what any reasonable coun-
        Vargas Chapman.                                    sel would do, defendant McCarter, along with
          “David Chapman and Meghan Woods are aware  Meghan  Woods,  an associate at  MCV,  helped
        of the lawsuit filed against McCarter & English.   Chapman devise and execute an unlawful plan
        The new lawsuit does not involve David Chap-       to steal MCV from McHugh and pay him noth-
        man, Meghan Woods, or their current law firm,      ing for it.”
        Vargas Chapman Woods LLC, as parties. They            The lawsuit states that James Regan, a Hart-
        do  not  wish  to  comment on  the  allegations  in-  ford based partner of McCarter & English,
        cluded in the lawsuit, except to say that they are   “publicly and sensationally alleged that McHugh
        satisfied with the settlement agreement that they   stole $2,047,457 in profit from MCV, and then
        reached in  their  litigation with                                  maintained this false allegation
        Sean McHugh, which resolved                                         while charging exorbitant and
        all litigation between them,”                                       improper fees to MCV.”
        Woods said in a statement issued                                      The complaint also alleges Mc-
        Monday. “Chapman and Woods                                          Carter & English was negligent
        have always wanted to put this                                      and that it made many missteps.
        matter behind  them  and  move                                        It was ”negligent of McCarter
        on, and they have. They con-         The former principal owner     to act in a manner that was not
        tinue to practice law as part of a     of McHugh, Chapman &
        successful law partnership with         Vargas has sued New         in the best interests of MCV,
                                                                            including its majority owner
        Attorney Amado Vargas, and             Jersey-based McCarter        McHugh,” the pleading alleges.
        will  continue  to  focus  on  their
        thriving practice serving clients      & English, claiming the      It was “negligent of McCarter to
        in personal injury and worker’s        ALM Law 200 firm was         repeatedly publicize defamatory
        compensation matters through-          negligent in handling a      comments (against  McHugh)
        out Connecticut.”                    dispute between attorneys.     that were contrary to their own
          McCarter & English’s Kelly                                        alleged client MCV.”
        and Regan didn’t respond to a                                         In addition, the lawsuit says it
        request for comment Monday.                                         was “negligent” for McCarter &
          Representing McCarter & Eng-                                      English “to take substantial fees
        lish is Louis Pepe, a partner with                                  of $552,670 from MCV bank ac-
        McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney &                                        counts and invoice MCV for total
        Carpenter in Hartford.                                              fees well in excess of $1,095,000
          In a statement, Pepe said McCarter & English     to address a claim that an interest owner in MCV
        will work to dismiss the lawsuit.                  [Chapman] was underpaid.”
          “This is the second time Mr. McHugh and his at-     The plaintiff seeks an award of money damag-
        torney have attacked the McCarter & English law  es, consequential damages and punitive damages,
        firm with the same baseless and scurrilous accu- among other compensation.                          ■
        sations,” Pepe said. “The first suit was dismissed,
        and we will be working very hard to ensure this  Robert Storace covers legal trends, lawsuits and
        latest complaint meets the same fate.”             analysis for the Connecticut Law Tribune. Follow
          Representing plaintiff Sean McHugh is Steven  him on Twitter @RobertSCTLaw or reach him at
        Sheehan of Sheehan & Sheehan in Old Saybrook.  203-437-5950.
           Law Tribune
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