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32  ■  JUNE 21, 2021                 CONNECTICUT OPINIONS
        because defendant was not a state actor, there  The court awarded economic damages related
        was no private cause of action.                    to plaintiff’s medical expenses, and awarded
                                                           $15,000 in non-economic damages.
                                                           Court Awards Plaintiffs Medical
        Court Awards Damages for Diminished                Expenses in Motor Vehicle Accident
        Value and Loss of Use in Motor Vehicle             CASE: Rios v. Knight
        Collision                                          COURT: Fairfield J.D. at Bridgeport
                                                           DOC. NO.: CV-18-6081153
        CASE: Steadman v. Ciabattoni                       COURT OPINION BY: Cordani
        COURT: Fairfield J.D. at Bridgeport                DATE: June 01, 2021 • PAGES: 5
        DOC. NO.: FBT-CV19-6091426 S                       Defendant failed to properly stop her motor
        COURT OPINION BY: Welch                            vehicle,  and  collided  with  plaintiffs’  vehicle
        DATE: May 27, 2021 • PAGES: 8                      when it was stopped at a traffic intersection.
        Plaintiff was operating his motor vehicle in       Both parties stipulated to the defendant’s lia-
        a parking lot when defendant failed to yield       bility in the accident, however the court noted
        the right-of-way and collided with plaintiff’s     neither plaintiff sustained medically verifiable
        vehicle. Plaintiff brought a negligence action     permanent injuries. The court noted that one
        for damage to his vehicle, including diminu-       plaintiff was not a reliable witness and mate-
        tion in value, loss of use, loss of life’s enjoy-  rially exaggerated the extent of her injuries.
        ment,  and  annoyance.  The  court  found  de-     The court found both plaintiffs had incurred
        fendant was negligent, and that negligence         medical expenses as a result of the accident,
        was the proximate cause of the collision.          and  awarded  plaintiffs  medical  expenses  and
        Plaintiff’s expert testified the total damages     damages for pain and suffering.
        to his vehicle was estimated around $8,900,
        and the court agreed to the diminished value
        of the vehicle. Plaintiff presented testimony      PERSONAL INJURY
        regarding the daily rental rate of a like ve-
        hicle as evidence of his loss of use, which the  Governmental Immunity Applies Where
        court deducted based on the age and daily          Minor Injured on Playground
        use of the vehicle. The court found the plain-
        tiff’s loss of time, inconvenience, and annoy-     CASE: Wright v. Kompan, Inc.
        ance were not recoverable for a motor vehicle      COURT: New Haven J.D. at Meriden
        diminished value claim.                            DOC. NO.: CV-17-6011226
                                                           COURT OPINION BY: Sizemore
                                                           DATE: May 27, 2021 • PAGES: 16
        Court Awards Economic and Non-                     Plaintiff, a minor, was injured in the play-
        Economic Damages in Motor Vehicle                  ground area while he was at recess as a stu-
        Accident                                           dent at a public school. Plaintiff brought
                                                           claims of negligent design, construction, in-
        CASE: McCree v. Braswell                           stallation, maintenance, inspection and super-
        COURT: Hartford J.D. at Hartford                   vision  of  students  against  the  manufacturer
        DOC. NO.: CV-19-6120625                            of the playground equipment, as well as the
        COURT OPINION BY: Scholl                           town as the owner and controller of the park
        DATE: May 20, 2021 • PAGES: 5                      in which he was injured. Plaintiff alleged that
        Plaintiff was injured when defendant failed to  the playground equipment was installed at a
        yield and rear ended plaintiff’s car as she was  height exceeding the internal standards of the
        stopped at a traffic signal. The court noted  town’s parks and recreation department. The
        the violent nature of the collision, citing that  town moved for summary judgment, arguing
        plaintiff’s car seat broke, her bumper became  the claim was subject to governmental im-
        dislodged, and the vehicle was determined to  munity. The court agreed finding the town’s
        be a total loss. The court further noted that  actions were discretionary rather than min-
        plaintiff sustained ongoing injuries to her  isterial. Plaintiff argued he was an identifi-
        neck and knees which required an emergen- able victim in imminent harm because he was
        cy room visit and physical therapy sessions.  compelled to attend public school attendant,
           Law Tribune
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