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NEWS                                 APRIL 12, 2021 ¦ 15

Trump has said he did nothing                     a “go-bag” in case he needed to
wrong in undermining the results                  quickly evacuate, according to the
of the 2020 election, which Presi-                complaint.
dent Joe Biden won, despite officials             The complaint originally targeted
in his own administration declaring               Trump, his personal attorney Rudy
it the most secure election in U.S.               Giuliani, and the far-right groups
history. Trump and his attorneys,                 the Proud Boys and the Oath
as well as allies, repeatedly filed               Keepers. Wednesday’s amended
lawsuits in swing states challenging              complaint also adds the group the
election results that went for Biden,             Warboys as defendants, as well as
but judges threw out the vast major-              Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tar-
ity of the cases.                      Former President Donald Trump. rio.
Some legal experts are dubi- Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM “We are pleased that such a dis-
ous about whether Trump could                     tinguished group of representatives
be held accountable in court for his speech under has joined this suit, which seeks to hold account-
First Amendment protections, but some have said able the principal architects of the assault on the
the alleged Klan Act violations are strong enough to Capitol and on democracy that occurred on January
survive challenges. Trump could also argue that he 6,” Joe Sellers, a Cohen Milstein partner, said in a
was acting in his professional capacity at the time in statement. “While the threat to the peaceful trans-
an effort to avoid the legal challenges, which name fer of power was profound, this lawsuit provides a
him in his personal capacity.                     powerful means to redress the harm caused to these
The amended complaint filed Wednesday details members of Congress, explore in more detail the
each members’ experience during the Jan. 6 riot, dark forces that contributed to the insurrection we
including how they hid from those invading the observed and demonstrate that our courts are avail-
Capitol and the fears they experienced at the time. able to protect against such lawlessness.”
Jayapal developed COVID-19 soon after the breach                                                 ¦

of the building, which she attributed to hiding in Jacqueline Thomsen, based in Washington, is a re-
a room with other members who refused to wear porter covering D.C. federal courts and the legal
masks. Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary side of politics. Contact her at [email protected]
Committee, hid in a committee room and prepared and follow her on Twitter @jacq_thomsen.

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