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ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION                                      FEBRUARY 24, 2020 ¦ S-27

the fact that the use of such claus-                          FAA which would define a na-
es is so widespread: Reportedly                               tional procedural due-process
81 of the Fortune 100 companies                               protocol ensuring fairness.
utilize arbitration in connection                             The debate over the dangers
                                      Many consumers are not
bitration statutes. Numerous bases exist on which proceed better than can any legislature, court or ad-
such arbitration clauses can and have been chal- ministrative agency.                     ¦

There clearly are two sides to the issue, and sure- Commercial arbitrator and mediator Harry N.
ly more needs to be done to ensure fairness in all Mazadoorian is the distinguished senior fellow in
consumer arbitration situations. There are many ap- the Center for Dispute Resolution at Quinnipiac
proaches to make this happen. One avenue involves University School of Law.
amendments to the Federal Arbitration Act. The
Federal Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal ACT
(FAIR) which already passed in the House in 2019              Visit
would do so in a way that essentially nullifies such
clauses in their entirety.

 ctlawtribune.comStill another approach would also amend the
FAA, but rather than invalidating all pre-dispute
clauses, would establish standards that must be ob-   PHONE: 860-757-6659
served. One leading national ADR organization has
suggested that Congress add a new provision to the

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