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NEWS                                FEBRUARY 24, 2020 ¦ 21

Russia probe and witness tampering. Prosecutors U.S. District Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the Dis-
said Stone lied about the identity of who he claimed trict of Columbia issued a rare statement in support
was his intermediary to WikiLeaks, telling law- of Jackson, saying that “public criticism or pressure
makers it was his associate Credico when messages is not a factor.” The Federal Judges Association was
indicated it was a different associate, Corsi.         also set to hold an “emergency meeting” Wednesday
The prosecutors told the jury that Stone’s actions over DOJ involvement in politically sensitive cases,
were all done in an effort to protect Trump.           but it was postponed.
Trump has repeatedly attacked the original line Stone faced an uphill legal battle since his indict-
prosecutors and Jackson ahead of the sentencing. ment by Mueller last year. Jackson has repeatedly
Attorney General William Barr spoke out last week ruled against Stone and his lawyers during pretrial
against the president’s tweets, saying they were mak- proceedings, but did grant him a few victories, like
ing it “impossible for me to do my job,” a request allowing him to view redacted portions of the Muel-
that Trump has ignored.                                ler report that pertained to his case.
The public announcement that the DOJ would Stone also repeatedly violated a gag order that
change its sentence recommendation for Stone came Jackson placed on his case. He posted an image of
hours after Trump first spoke out against the initial Jackson on Instagram last year that depicted a cross-
memo.                                                  hair, causing her to block him from discussing his
Barr has maintained the decision to recommend case entirely.
a different sentence was made before Trump’s tweet, But after prosecutors noted that Stone had made
but his remarks did little to quell the accusations Instagram posts about court filings in his case, Jack-
of political interference at the DOJ under Barr and son further blocked him from using Instagram,
Trump’s leadership.                                    Facebook and Twitter entirely.
The National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys                                           ¦

spoke out in defense of the original Stone prosecutors, Jacqueline Thomsen, based in Washington, is a re-
saying sentence recommendations like the one they porter covering D.C. courts and the legal side of
filed “are, and should be, made impartially and with- politics. Contact her at [email protected]. On
out the political influence of elected officials.”     Twitter: @jacq_thomsen

Coronavirus Report From Sister Publication
     in China: ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’

                                                                 By Anna Zhang

Editor’s note: As of Wednesday, more than 75,000 Hong Kong Bureau Chief Anna Zhang, who had been
      people in 25 countries had become infected with visiting her family in mainland China when the coro-
      COVID-19, aka the coronavirus, according to navirus outbreak occurred. She filed this report late
the World Health Organization, and at least 2,127 last week:
people had died from the disease. The New York Times In China, where the coronavirus has infected
reported 150 million people in China were under trav- close to 60,000 people and continues to spread, law-
el restrictions, while in the United States, 15 cases of yers are making efforts to contribute to fighting the
infection with the disease had been confirmed, with virus. (Pro bono is a whole different matter in Chi-
none resulting in fatality. Experiencing travel restric- na.) Many large Chinese law firms have organized
tions firsthand is an editor from the Connecticut Law efforts to buy medical supplies for Wuhan and other

Tribune’s sister publication, International’s                                   ¦ Continued on PAGE 22

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