June 18, 2024

Com. v. Soto; 474 EDA 2023; Affirmed; Associated: 618 EDA 2023.

Com. v. Bramhall; 1692 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Com. v. Bristol; 1712 EDA 2023; Affirmed; Comments: Jurisdiction Relinquished.

Tachony, A. v. LM General Ins.; 1902 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Com. v. Keiner; 2094 EDA 2023; Affirmed - Application to Withdraw as Counsel Granted; Comments: Jurisdiction Relinquished.

In Re: Z.L. v. PA State Police; 2146 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Com. v. Montanez; 2154 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Com. v. Haven; 2279 EDA 2023; Affirmed - Application to Withdraw as Counsel Granted; Comments: Jurisdiction Relinquished.

Com. v. Floyd; 2384 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

In the Int. of: A.G., Appeal of: J.G.; 574 EDA 2024; Vacated/Remanded; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceedings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceedings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.; Associated: 575 EDA 2024; 576 EDA 2024; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceedings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.; 577 EDA 2024; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceed�ings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.; 578 EDA 2024; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceed�ings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.; 579 EDA 2024; Comments: Orders VACATED. Case REMANDED for further proceedings. Jurisdiction is Relinquished.

In the Int. of: B.A.D., Appeal of: C.R.D.; 714 EDA 2024; Affirmed; Associated: 715 EDA 2024.

June 17, 2024

Com. v. Blackwell; 1333 EDA 2022; Affirmed; Associated: 1334 EDA 2022.

Com. v. Berrien; 1685 EDA 2022; Affirmed; Associated: 2345 EDA 2022.

Clinger v. Clinger; 2706 EDA 2023; Quashed.

June 14, 2024

Com. v. Zorrer; 1526 EDA 2022; Affirmed.

Com. v. Marshall; 2924 EDA 2022; Affirmed.

Com. v. Lewis; 778 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Gross v. Mintz; 1735 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

Com. v. Adams; 1970 EDA 2023; Affirmed.

North Broad Associates v. Stockton Real Estate; 1979 EDA 2023; Affirmed.



Com. v. Pena; 319 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Cesar Pena, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 22, 2024.

In The Interest Of: O.F., A Minor Appeal Of: R.F., Father; 1318 EDA 2024; These appeals have been taken from the April 19, 2024 orders that deny Appellant Father�s �Motion to Modify Placement,� filed in each of the Children�s dependency matters. On May 29, 2024, this Court entered a show cause order directing Father�s Counsel to respond as to the appeal�ability of the April 19, 2024 orders, as the orders do not appear to be appealable.

Com. v. Coblentz; 951 EDA 2024; The applica�tion of Appellant, Jacob Aaron Coblentz, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 26, 2024.

Com. v. Showell; 2121 EDA 2023; The application of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 19, 2024.

TD Bank, N.A. v. Massengill; 3047 EDA 2023; The application of Appellee, TD Bank, N.A., for extension of time to file Brief the applica�tion is hereby granted. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 29, 2024.

Com. v. Black; 1601 EDA 2023; The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has appealed from the order entered by the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County (�the trial court�) which denied in part its petition to refile charges that had been dismissed by a Philadelphia municipal court judge.

Com. v. Lamotta; 2164 EDA 2023; The application of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 19, 2024.

In Re: Justino Petaccio, Deceased Appeal of Francis Petaccio; 635 EDA 2024;The applica�tion of Appellant, Francis Petaccio, for exten�sion of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 17, 2024.

Com. v. Alexander; 1331 EDA 2023; Appellant�s pro se application for an extension of time to file reply brief, and that the Commonwealth has not filed any response, said application is hereby Granted. Appellant shall file his reply brief within thirty days of the date of this order.

Com. v. Weary; 511 EDA 2024; The applica�tion of Appellant, Alexis Weary, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 19, 2024.

Com. v. Sheriff; 3175 EDA 2023; The applica�tion of Appellant, Momo Sheriff, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions will be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 9, 2024.

Lurube Developers, LLC. v. Purul; 1329 EDA 2024; Application for Reconsideration of Order� filed by Appellants, Thomas and Constance Clerico, the application for recon�sideration is Denied.

Com. v. Becote; 3216 EDA 2023; The appli�cation of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 9, 2024.

Com. v. Thomas; 196 EDA 2023; The appli�cation of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 16, 2024.

Com. v. Linehan; 599 EDA 2024; The applica�tion of Appellant, Lamar Eric Linehan, Jr., for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before September 6, 2024.

Com. v. Nevius; 99 EDA 2024; The application of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the applica�tion is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circum�stances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 16, 2024.

N.E.G. v. J.Z.M. Appeal of: Joseph F. Rizzo; 611 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Joseph F. Rizzo, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No fur�ther extensions shall be granted absent extenu�ating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 29, 2024.

Com. v. Scott; 799 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 16, 2024.

Com. v. Tran; 785 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Phan Tran, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 16, 2024.

Com. v. Martin; 801 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Benjamin Harman Martin, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 29, 2024.

Com. v. Lyons; 2211 EDA 2023; Petitioner�s Application To Withdraw Application For Summary, Declaratory Or Mandamus Relief,� filed by Geoffrey Vincent Seay, Esq., the Appellant�s June 3, 2024 �Petitioner�s Application For Summary, Declaratory Or Mandamus Relief� is Withdrawn.

Com. v. Broggins; 516 EDA 2024; The appli�cation of Appellant, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 16, 2024.

Com. v. Lawhorn; 322 EDA 2024; It appears Appellant is still represented by counsel. There is no indication on the trial court docket that Christopher John Welsh, Esquire, was granted leave to withdraw from the case pursu

ant to Pa.R.Crim.P. 120(A)(4). On two occa�sions, February 14, 2024, and April 15, 2024, Attorney Welsh failed to file a timely Criminal Docketing Statement. Additionally, Attorney Welsh failed to file a Brief for Appellant by June 10, 2024.

Com. v. Gredic; 787 EDA 2023; Appellant�s unopposed application to submit this appeal for decision on briefs, said application is Granted. Accordingly, the appeal shall be submitted on briefs. The matter is stricken from the A14-24 argument list.

Com. v. Wimberly; 2553 EDA 2023; Appellant counsel�s response to the March 26, 2024 Order to show cause, and in light of the fact that criminal charges are still pending against Appellant at trial court docket number CP-48-CR-0001125-2020, the above-captioned appeal is hereby quashed as interlocutory.

Com. v. Robinson; 641 EDA 2024; Appellee�s May 6, 2024 �Motion To Withdraw As Counsel,� filed by the Defender Association of Philadelphia, is DISMISSED as moot, in light of the trial court�s May 3, 2024 order permitting counsel to withdraw and the fact that Daniel Anthony Alvarez, Esq. entered his appearance on Appellee�s behalf on May 15, 2024.

Com. v. Young; 3041 EDA 2022; It is hereby Ordered that: Within thirty days of this order, Appellant shall file a brief concerning the issue addressed in the PCRA court�s May 23, 2024 Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) opinion; and The Commonwealth shall file a responsive brief within thirty days after service of Appellant�s brief.

Com. v. Haynes; 82 EDA 2024; Application For Relief,� filed by Walter C. Chisholm, Esq., the paper copies of Appellant�s brief shall be due thirty (30) days from the date that this Order is filed.

In Re: Estate Of: Mary Louise O�Brien, Deceased Appeal Of: John J. O�Brien, III And Kevin J. O�Brien; 941 EDA 2024; appeal and docketing statement filed by pro se Appellants, John J. O�Brien, III and Kevin J. O�Brien, Appellants purport to appeal from the March 27, 2024 order granting the petition, filed by executrix below, to compel Appellants to allow entry of executrix into decedent�s dwelling and respond to executrix�s first request for production of documents and for sanctions.

Hagans v. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,; 536 EDA 2024; The applica�tion of Appellee, Dajah Hagans, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 7, 2024.

Purcell v. Caples; 1818 EDA 2023; On April 18, 2024, this Court entered a series of show-cause Orders in three of the above-captioned appeals/This Court having received responses to the show-cause Orders, the following is hereby Ordered. The April 18, 2024 rules are discharged and the appeals shall proceed.

Powell v. Kinney; 1286 EDA 2024; This appeal is taken from the interlocutory April 12, 2024 order entered in the parties ongoing custody matter. On May 28, 2024, a show cause order was entered directing Appellant to respond as to why this appeal should not be quashed since the April 12th order on appeal is not final or otherwise appealable.

Radzierez v. Kunkle; 1157 EDA 2024; This Court has received a response to the Order of May 22, 2024, directing Appellant to praecipe the trial court prothonotary to enter judgment on the decision of the trial court. Judgment was entered on June 10, 2024. The case caption in the above-captioned appeal has been corrected to reflect that the appeal is taken from the judg�ment entered June 10, 2024. Accordingly, the rule is Discharged and the appeal shall proceed.

Com. v. Gonzalez; 857 EDA 2024; Appellant�s pro se May 22, 2024 motion, the motion is Denied in light of the fact that this appeal involves the dismissal of an untimely PCRA petition, and therefore, the only issue to be considered in this appeal is the timeliness of the PCRA petition.

Com. v. Johnson; 649 EDA 2024; Appellant�s May 28, 2024 �Motion To Withdraw As Co-Counsel,� filed by James Patrick Maguire, Esq., the motion is Granted.

Pottsgrove v. Guarderas; 1021 EDA 2024; Application to Transfer� filed by Appellee, Lower Pottsgrove Township Authority, plain�tiff below, and noting no answer thereto, the application is Granted. Accordingly, the appeal is Transferred to the Commonwealth Court. All filings in this Court at the above-captioned appeal shall be transferred to the Commonwealth Court. The briefing schedule is SUSPENDED and shall be reset by the Commonwealth Court.

Manna v. Manna; 1378 EDA 2024; On May 29, 2024, an order was entered directing Philadelphia Public Defender�s office to show cause as to why this appeal should not be dismissed as duplicative in light of the fact that Mother filed an appeal from the same April 8, 2024 order at 1180 EDA 2024.

Com. v. Perrim; 2847 EDA 2023; The appli�cation of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. No further extensions will be granted absent extenuating circumstances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 13, 2024.

Melendez v. GYI P. MO, M.D., Albert D�angelantonio; 196 EDA 2024; the applica�tion for relief filed by Diane Melendez and this Court�s April 8, 2024 show-cause Order, this Court hereby Grants Melendez�s application. The above-captioned appeals are Consolidated As Cross-Appeals. The existing briefing sched�ules at the above-captioned appeals are Vacated.

Turner v. Lebesco; 3151 EDA 2023; Appellant, plaintiff below, Roscoe Turner purports to appeal from the November 7, 2023 order that denied his motion for post-trial relief in an action filed against a Philadelphia Department of Prisons employee. By Order of May 29, 2024, this Court directed Appellant to show cause as to why the appeal should not be trans�ferred to the Commonwealth Court.

Com. v. Brewer; 1254 EDA 2024; Application To Withdrawal Appeal,� filed by Scott Jeffrey Werner Jr., Esq., the application is accepted as a praecipe to discontinue under Pa.R.A.P. 1973, and the appeal is hereby Discontinued. Attorney Werner is Ordered to provide a copy of this Order to Appellant.

Com. v. Broggins; 516 EDA 2024; Motion To Withdraw As Counsel,� filed by Melissa Diane Thomas, Esq., the motion is Denied without prejudice to Appellee�s counsel�s right to reap�ply directly to the trial court for the requested relief.

Lloyd v. Veterinary Orthopedic Services, Ltd.; 456 EDA 2024; Application for Reconsideration of Order� filed by pro se Appellant Susan Lloyd and the response filed by Appellees Exton Vet and Shannon Stanek, the Application is Denied. Appellant Is Cautioned That The Filing Of Further Frivolous Or Repetitive Applications For Relief May Result In The Imposition Of Sanctions, Including, But Not Limited To, A Directive For This Court�s Prothonotary To Reject Any Further Filings By Appellant Absent Permission Of This Court.

Hatchigian v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; 1065 EDA 2024; appeal and docketing statement filed by pro se Appellant, David Hatchigian, plaintiff below, Appellant purports to appeal from the April 12, 2024 order dismissing as moot the motion to strike plaintiff�s untimely amended memorandum in opposition to strike and open default judgement filed by Appellee and the motion to strike documents filed by plaintiff filed by Appellee.

Com. v. Blackston; 24 EDA 2023; Appellant�s May 22, 2024 �Motion To Withdraw As Co-Counsel,� filed by James Patrick Maguire, Esq., the motion is Granted.

Wilson v. Wilson; 991 EDA 2024; Appeal and docketing statement filed by pro se Appellant Fred Wilson, defendant below, Appellant pur�ports to appeal from the March 20, 2024 order ruling that the rule returnable alleg�ing improper service of the complaint is dis�solved and that the matter will be relisted for case management conference. In his docketing statement, Appellant contends the order is appealable under Pa.R.A.P. 311(a)(8) (providing that appeal may be taken as of right from order made final or appealable by statute or general rule), but Appellant fails to provide any stat�ute or general rule. Appellant also contended that he appeals pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1311. Chapter 13, however, only applies to appeals by permission.

Harris v. Harker; 2718 EDA 2023; Appellees, plaintiffs below, to show cause as to whether an application for substitution of party or a sug�gestion of death would be filed in this Court where Appellees filed a suggestion of death below at the lead trial court docket number only. In response, Appellees filed the June 7, 2024 �Application to Substitute Administratrix of Estate for Personal Representative of Deceased Party T.G.� (docketed as �Application for Substitution of Party�). Upon consideration of the Application for Substitution filed by Appellees, and noting that substitution was granted in the trial court on June 7, 2024, the application for substitution is Granted.

Jones v. Philadelphia Police 3rd District PSA 3-2; 831 EDA 2024; Appellant Matthew Jones, plaintiff below, appeals from the February 20, 2024 order dismissing the below action involv�ing a local government entity. On May 15, 2024, this Court directed Appellant to show cause as to why the appeal should not be trans�ferred to the Commonwealth Court. Appellant did not respond.

Vandever v. Susannah Stair, M.D.,; 905 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Wayne Vandever, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 17, 2024.

James v. McManus; 34 EDM 2024; Petition for permission to appeal filed by Petitioner, Mojirade James, the petition is Dismissed as moot in light of Petitioner�s appeal from final judgment docketed at 1162 EDA 2024.

Dibenedetto v. Upper Southampton Township; 1054 EDA 2024; Appeal and dock�eting statement filed by Appellant Stephen DiBenedetto, plaintiff below, the appeal is taken from the March 13, 2024 non-jury ver�dict in favor of Appellees James D. Morrissey, Inc. and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, two of eight defendants below. The Commonwealth Court has exclusive jurisdiction over appeals from final orders of common pleas courts in civil actions against a Commonwealth entity where the Commonwealth Court lacks original juris�diction.

In Re: Kenneth Cole Appeal of: Kenneth Cole; 1052 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Kenneth Cole, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 17, 2024.

Charleston v. Bannister; 306 EDA 2024; Appellant Garner Bannister purports to appeal from three orders; specifically, the November 6, 2023 non-jury verdict in favor of Appellee Wayne Charleston, Sr.; the December 11, 2023 order denying the motion for reconsideration filed by Appellant; and the January 9, 2024 order denying the motion for a new trial filed by Appellant. Review of the trial court docket reflects that Appellant did not file post-trial motions. Because Appellant did not file post-trial motions, all issues have been waived.

Com. v. Pringle; 2916 EDA 2023; Response to the May 24, 2024 Order to show cause and Appellant�s June 6, 2024 response to the June 5, 2024 Order to show cause, the above-captioned appeal is hereby quashed as untimely filed on November 9, 2023, from the order entered on September 11, 2023.

Com. v. Chaplin; 2936 EDA 2023; The applica�tion of Appellant, Loenard Chaplin, for exten�sion of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 26, 2024.

Com. v. Hassell; 968 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, John E. Hassell, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 8, 2024.

Com. v. Hines; 814 EDA 2024; The application of Appellee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for extension of time to file Brief the applica�tion is hereby granted. No further extensions shall be granted absent extenuating circum�stances. Appellee�s Brief shall be filed on or before August 12, 2024.

Wolf v. Radow; 1394 EDA 2024; Appeal and the docketing statement filed by Appellant, Bryan Wolf, plaintiff below, Appellant appeals from the May 7, 2024 verdict in favor of Appellee, Ellen Radow, defendant below, after a non-jury trial. A review of the trial court docket reveals that Appellant did not file post-trial motions. Because Appellant did not file post-trial motions, it appears that all issues have been waived.

Walden v. Christian Faith Publishing Company Inc.; 1395 EDA 2024; appeal and docketing statement filed by pro se Appellant, Kenneth Walden, plaintiff below, Appellant purports to appeal from the April 25, 2024 order dismissing his petition to reinstate as moot. A review of the trial court record dem�onstrates that on June 29, 2023, the trial court dismissed the underlying action. Appellant did not file a direct appeal of the June 29, 2023 final order to this Court. Instead, Appellant filed an improper and untimely �appeal� directly to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Farris v. Holy Redeemer Health System; 1187 EDA 2024; The application of Appellant, Holy Redeemer Health System, Holy Redeemer Hospital, et al, for extension of time to file Brief the application is hereby granted. Appellant�s Brief shall be filed on or before July 24, 2024.

Orbit Stones, Inc. v. 3kd Marble And Granite, Inc.; 2199 EDA 2023; Application for Extension of Time to File Brief- Second Request� filed by Appellee 3KD Marble and Granite, Inc., the application is Granted and Appellee�s brief shall now be due on or before July 22, 2024.

Pennymac Loan Services, LLC v. Mason; 1028 EDA 2024; appeal and docketing statement filed by Florence-Elizabeth Mason, Florence-Elizabeth Mason purports to appeal from the March 15, 2024 order dismissing her filings because she is a non-party to the action below. Florence-Elizabeth Mason purports to be the power-of-attorney for Tyral Mason and Clifton Mason. Florence-Elizabeth Mason is also pur�porting to represent Tyral Mason and Clifton Mason as their attorney in this appeal under a power-of-attorney. Florence-Elizabeth Mason is not a licensed attorney.


Com. v. Cruz; 1530 EDA 2023; from order of Lehigh Cty; CP-39-CR-3701-2011.

Com. v. Birchall; 1531 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-46-CR-000427-2023; M. Huff.

Com. v. Taylor; 1532 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; CP-15-CR-2497-2021; P. McMenamin.

Com. v. Hell; 1533 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0003155-2023; A. Marcus.

Com. v. Hammond; 1534 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-23-CR-0005181-2022; E. Tinari.

Com. v. Tate; 1535 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; CR 3575-2022; K. Mehok.

Clemmons v. Lehr; 1536 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 00478.

Com. v. Wright; 1537 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0001903-2017.

Com. v. Anderson; 1538 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0002531-2019; T. Himebaugh.

Com. v. Plderee; 1539 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0001753-2022.

Com. v. Shuford; 1540 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0008396-2022; A. Marcus.

Com. v. Woody; 1541 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0000239-2023; S. Sigman.

Bartkowski v. Crawford; 1542 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; 2020-01368-CU; J. Sargent.

In Re: K.B., a Minor Appeal of the Philadelphia Department of Human Services; 1543 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-DP-0000028-2024; R. Aversa.

In the Interest of: H.J.-S.; 1544 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-DP-0000294-2024; C. Buck.

In the Interest of: H.K.; 1545 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-DP-0000295-2024; C. Buck.

In the Interest of: M.K.; 1546 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-DP-0000296-2024; C. Buck.

In the Interest of: A.J-K.; 1547 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-DP-0000297-2024; C. Buck.

Com. v. Schwartz; 1548 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 336-2016-Criminal.

Madl v. Karpriski; 1549 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; 2006-1447.

Arangi v. Recemiuti; 1550 EDA 2023; from order of Northampton Cty; C-48-CV-2023-04907.

Quinn v. Quinn; 1551 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; 2024-08412.

Lewald v. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage; 1552 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 2023-18599.

In The Interest of: A.M.H., A Minor Child Appeal of J.H., Mother; 1553 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-AP-000165-2024; G. Server.

In The Interest of: C.E.H., A Minor Child Appeal of J.H., Mother; 1554 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-AP-0000166-2024; G. Server.

Summer v. Warren; 1555 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; 2020-03626; R. Blasetti.

Com. v. Clark; 1556 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-23-CR-6549-2017.

Lipow v. Klein; 1558 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; 2022-04233-MJ.

Ohio Security Insurance Co. v. Pinnacle Venue Services LLC; 1559 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 230501866; M. Weisberg.

Lurube Developers, LLC v. Purul; 1560 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; C. Nduka.

Andrzejczyk v. Brito; 1561 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 240301743.

Rogers v. Voyavation, LLC; 1562 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 230500372.

Dalin Funding, LP v. Biz As Usual, LLC; 1563 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 01741; S. Verbonitz.

In Re: Estate of Emma Roy, Deceased; 1564 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 1392 DE of 2022; M. Isenberg.

Li v. Alqaifi; 1565 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 1040; P. Mylonas.

Com. v. Kunmanan; 1566 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; SA-975-2024.

Com. v. Middleton; 1567 EDA 2023; from order of Lehigh Cty; CP-39-CR-1309-2023; M. Brunnabend.

Ukrainian Selfreliance, Federal Union v. Oadchuk; 1569 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 180001735; P. Stewart.

Com. v. Cardi; 1570 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-000116-2023.

Com. v. Rytsal; 1571 EDA 2023; from order of Bucks Cty; CP-09-CR-5761-2015.

Burno v. Com.; 1572 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; CP-46-CR-0000330-2003; K. Burno.

Richlandtown Road LLC v. Roxy & Honey, LLC; 1573 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 231101816.

Com. v. Beaulac; 1574 EDA 2023; from order of Montgomery Cty; CP-46-CR-2601-2023; L. Jubelirer.

Com. v. Brahm; 1575 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; 1051-22; S. McIntosh.

Com. v. Miller; 1576 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; CP-15-CR-1550-2023.

Com. v. Parker; 1577 EDA 2023; from order of Chester Cty; CP-15-CR-886-2023; M. Heller.

Com. v. Elison; 1578 EDA 2023; from order of Delaware Cty; CP-23-CR-00167-2014.

Com. v. Lawson; 1579 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; SA-000236-2024.

Com. v. Long; 1580 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; CP-51-CR-0001874-2016; D. Barrish.

Xu v. Kingly Entries LLC; 1581 EDA 2023; from order of Phila Cty; 01180.

Com. v. Johnson; 1582 EDA 2023; from order of Delaware Cty; CP-23-CR-4777-2023.